Christmas plants care tips

Christmas is right around the corner! You'll probably want to decorate your home with Christmas plants. But after buying one, the questions arises: How to properly care for them? Is it difficult? How do I make my Christmas plants thrive through all the holidays? In this article, we will try to explain how to care for the most popular Christmas plants.

#1 Poinsettia

With the onset of cold weather, most flowers usually start a dormant period, and only a few plants can delight the eyes of their owners on frosty winter days; one such type of flower is the poinsettia.

Poinsettia indoor care:

  • Poinsettia, or Christmas star, likes places that are neither very hot nor very cold and does not like direct sunlight.
  • As for watering, poinsettias love moisture. Don't forget to water your plant, but don't let it overwater because it's prone to root rot.

How to make poinsettia bloom again:

  • Not many people know this, but it is a perennial and with the right care, you can have it blooming by next Christmas. To do this, after April 1, cut off all the colored leaves. In August, start shaping the shrub to your liking and start fertilizing twice a week. In September, put your shrub in a place where there is absolutely no artificial light, and from the beginning of October, return the plant to its place.
  • But remember that, unfortunately, even these measures will not guarantee that your poinsettia will bloom.

#2 Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus is also a very beautiful plant that blooms during the Christmas season. It blooms easily, but many people wonder about the care of the Christmas cactus while blooming. Let's find out.

Christmas cactus indoor care:

  • Unlike other cacti, this one doesn't like bright lights or dry soil. Provide your Christmas cactus with shade and moderate watering.
  • If you notice that the flowers are dropping early, it may be a sign that the plant is hot and should be moved to a cooler location.

How to make Christmas cactus bloom again:

To ensure that the plant blooms next winter, it is advisable to leave the cactus to rest after flowering and to start fertilizing from August until early October.

#3 Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is the main symbol of Christmas. These trees look amazing, smell very festive and bring joy to the house at Christmas. If you've ditched a plastic tree in favor of a beautiful spruce, then you need to know how to properly care for your Christmas tree so that it lasts as long as possible.

Christmas tree indoor care:

  • One of the most important things to do is to put the spruce into the water as soon as possible after cutting.
  • If the spruce has been cut for some time, it is best to saw off a quarter inch from the trunk for better water penetration into the trunk.
  • Remember to add water every day.
  • For the tree to stand for a long time, place it in the coolest place available, away from heaters and fireplaces.

#4 Amaryllis

Amaryllis is a very beautiful flowering plant. After planting the bulb, it blooms very quickly, in just 6-8 weeks. Some varieties bloom even before the first leaves appear.

Amaryllis tree indoor care:

  • It likes bright light and moderate watering.
  • Turn the pot several times a day to make the plant straight.

But how do you care for amaryllis after it blooms? 

The answer to this question depends on whether or not the amaryllis is in wax. Waxed amaryllis are discarded after flowering, as they will no longer develop and bloom. If amaryllis is not in wax, it is possible to achieve flowering in the next season. But this is not easy. Once the flowers have bloomed, cut off the stem, but leave the leaves to replenish the nutrients in the bulb. In late summer or early fall, leave the plant alone and place it in a dark, cool place. Trim off the yellowed leaves and don't water until November. In November, start watering and the growth cycle will begin again.