Fluffy thumbs up! 3 methods to grow grass for cats

If you're a fortunate cat owner, you likely know that cats have a fondness for and derive benefits from grass. Grass is consumed by both stray and domestic cats. However, while outdoor cats instinctively choose the right grass for themselves, the responsibility of selecting suitable grass for your cat rests on your shoulders. 
So let's delve into why cats need grass, what type to choose, and how to grow it.

Why do cats need grass?

Naturally, a cat is a carnivore and primarily thrives on a meat-based diet. However, it is intriguing that despite this dietary inclination, cats instinctively feel compelled to consume grass. This behavior can be attributed to several reasons:

Stomach Cleansing:

Cats often ingest a significant amount of hair while grooming themselves, which can accumulate in their stomachs. When these hair clumps form and move towards the intestines, they can potentially cause blockages. By ingesting long stems of grass, cats stimulate the mucosa in their stomachs, facilitating a natural cleansing process.

Normalizing Bowel Function:

Consumption of grass can help regulate the cat's bowel movements by inducing both a laxative and fixative effect. In their natural environment, cats instinctively seek out short-leaved plants to alleviate diarrhea, while opting for broad-leaved plants to promote softer stools.

Obtaining Beneficial Substances:

Young grasses harbor an array of vitamins, acids, and micro- and macronutrients that contribute to the cat's overall well-being. By consuming grass, cats can supplement their diet with these beneficial substances, enhancing their overall health.

What type of grass to choose?

When selecting grass for your feline friend's consumption, it's important to do so responsibly since cats have a tendency to munch on any type of grass. Fresh, moist grass is highly preferred by cats, as is cereal grass - plants that form spikelets.

The best grass options for cats, as well as the easiest to grow, are:
  • oat;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • rye.
So, let's look at how to grow any kind of grass on your own.

Methods of growing grass

For the best quality planting material, it is advisable to purchase it from specialized pet stores. However, if this is not feasible, any available seeds can be used instead.
Once you have acquired the seeds, the next question that arises is how to grow the grass? Although there are several methods to do so, let's explore the three easiest ways:

#1 Growing without soil

Not everyone possesses the capability or inclination to work with soil. Fortunately, it is possible to cultivate grass for your cat without utilizing soil at all. The method closely resembles growing microgreens. Here's what you'll need:
  • Moisture-retaining material. Opt for a linen or coconut mat, as these are ideal for retaining moisture;
  • Container. 

To begin the process, thoroughly saturate the chosen material with water. After approximately 15 minutes, drain off any excess water. Proceed to evenly distribute the seeds across the material's surface and create a greenhouse effect any way you like.
Once the sprouts emerge, you need to open the container and place it in a well-lit area. Allow the grass to continue growing, and wait for the harvest.

#2 Growing with soil

Cultivating grass using soil follows a similar process as the previous method, with the main drawback being the presence of dirt from the soil. Here's how you can go about it:
You will need:
  • Soil;
  • Container.

Begin by pouring a layer of soil approximately 2-2,5 inches (5-6 cm) deep into the container. Sprinkle the soil evenly and then add a layer of grass seeds. To cover the seeds, sprinkle one more time to provide the necessary moisture for germination.
To create a greenhouse effect, cover the container with a film or plastic cover. This cover should be removed once the grass shoots begin to sprout. 

#3 Growing with cat litter

In some cases, people even opt to use cat litter as an alternative to soil for growing grass. To undertake this method, you will need:
  • Not used cat litter;
  • Container.

Start by filling the container with cat litter, maintaining a depth of around 1,2 inches (3 cm). Afterward, add water to the tray, allowing the cat litter to absorb it. Over time, the litter will expand and take on a mush-like consistency.
Once the litter has swelled, place the grass seeds onto the soaked litter. Proceed by covering the seeds with approximately an inch-thick (2 cm) layer of the same soaked cat litter. Then, follow the same steps as you would when growing grass in the soil.

Indeed, cultivating grass for your beloved feline companion shouldn't pose much of a challenge. Simply follow our guides and choose the method that suits you best. 
And for sure, rest assured that your personal advisor, AI-Assistant, is here to help you along this way. If you have any further inquiries or require additional guidance, feel free to ask any question you have!