How do I understand what elements my plant is lacking?

Nitrogen (N): A plant's growth is stunted, with short new shoots, small leaves, and weak inflorescences. Leaves start turning yellow and lighten in color, and lower leaves lose color, become curly, and fall off.

Phosphorus (P): Purple tinges appear on lower leaves and stems. Dark brown spots may also develop on leaves.

Potassium (K): Flowering slows or stops, new leaves become shallow and dark, and leaf edges turn yellow. This can resemble sunburn, but older leaves are affected first, and leaf curling may occur.

Calcium (Ca): Primarily affects the root system and young leaves. Young leaves become deformed, bubbly, and twisted, while the overall plant may appear healthy, making it challenging for inexperienced growers to detect.

Magnesium (Mg): Leaf veins remain green while the rest of the leaf becomes lighter. Yellow, red, or brown spots appear between the veins, and leaf edges curl and gradually die off.

Iron (Fe): When deficient, leaves turn light yellow or light green, but the veins remain green, with young leaves being the first to show symptoms.

Copper (Cu): Signs include overall dullness of foliage, stunted growth, and white spots on leaf tips and throughout the leaf plate.

Zinc (Zn): Zinc deficiency manifests as yellowing, pale green leaves with brown spots. Older leaves are initially affected, but symptoms may spread to younger leaves and stems, with leaf edges curling.

Boron (B): Insufficient boron leads to upper bud death and vigorous growth of lateral shoots. Leaves become pale green and may curl.

Manganese (Mn): Manganese deficiency is noticeable through yellowing leaf edges, while veins remain green. Sometimes, it can be mistaken for magnesium deficiency, but it's less pronounced.

Molybdenum (Mo): Inadequate molybdenum results in yellowing leaves with light brown spots. Leaf edges may die off and curl.

Sulfur (S): Sulfur deficiency causes yellowing of leaves, similar to nitrogen deficiency.