Ready, set, grow! Plants to be sown in late February and early March

In late February and early March, most gardeners and vegetable growers have already purchased seeds and are wondering which plants to sow and when. However, it is important to note that each plant (and even each variety of a particular plant) has different growth dates that should be taken into consideration. 
Planting too early can have a significant impact on the health of your plant, leading to weak and sickly growth and frequent illnesses as an adult. On the other hand, planting too late can result in a delayed harvest or even no harvest at all during this growing season. That's why it's crucial to plant your plants on time.

To help you get started, we have compiled a list of plants that are ideal for planting now, so you can harvest and enjoy your vegetables and herbs this season. This information applies primarily to USDA 3 - 7.

#1 Sweet and chili peppers

Peppers are always planted before other vegetable crops, because it has a fairly long growing season, when they are medium- or late-ripening varieties. The plant needs up to 180 days to ripen, depending on the variety.

#2 Eggplant

Another long-growing plant. It takes 100 to 150 days to reach full maturity. Prolonged sowing will result in a delayed harvest.

Note that each eggplant seed should be planted in a separate container, as its roots are very sensitive and trauma should be avoided as much as possible during transplanting.

#3 Onion

Onions are very hard to grow from seeds and not all varieties are suitable for this purpose, so we recommend doing it if you are already an experienced grower. Nevertheless, if you decide to grow onions from seed, the best time to plant them is the second half of February.

#4 Potato

In February, you can sow the seeds of a botanical potato of some elite variety.

This season you will not get a full harvest - at the end of summer you will only be able to harvest small tubers, no bigger than a chicken egg. But in the second year these seed tubers will give you a great harvest.

#5 Artichoke

Artichoke is a very slow-growing plant. Harvesting occurs about 180 days after planting the seeds.

#6 Celery

Celery is a plant that takes its time to grow, which is why it's a good idea to plant it early. For the best result, it's recommended to transplant celery seedlings into your vegetable garden when they are 60-70 days old. That's why the second half of February to early March is the best time to sow the seeds. 

Keep in mind that celery typically takes anywhere from 120 to 200 days to mature, depending on the variety. If you plant your seeds in early March, you'll be able to transfer your celery plants to the garden in mid-May and harvest them from August to October.

#7 Basil

Basil seeds are quite difficult to germinate, so you should start planting seeds as early as the end of February. This crop can be grown both outdoors and in a pot at home.

#8 Cabbage

You need to start sowing late varieties of cabbage in late February and early March. They take up to 175 days to mature. If you have chosen a late variety, plant your plant now.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, as it is impossible to cover every plant and every variety. If you have purchased seeds for planting, we recommend checking the planting dates on the back of the package for your region now to ensure that it is not too late, and you have enough time to enjoy your bountiful harvest.