The 5 most important gardening things to do in February

The end of February in many regions already feels like spring, which means that the growing season is in sight. Garden enthusiasts are eager to get started with planting new plants and tending to their gardens. To help you make the most of this time, we have put together a list of things you can and should do in your garden in February.

#1 Taking care of indoor plants

This point applies to every plant lover. In February, the days get longer and the plants come out of their hibernation phase. At the end of February you may start transplanting your houseplants if they need it.

Tip: If you want your potted plants to get used to the new soil more quickly, mix a tablespoon of the soil it was in into the fresh potting soil mixture. This way you can introduce the bacteria they were used to to the fresh soil and your plants will adapt more quickly.

Also, you can start fertilizing, put the plant under an artificial light and trim off old and diseased and old parts of the plant. This will not only do no harm, but help your plants.

#2 Planning and purchasing seeds

This is one of the most enjoyable pastimes: planning, fantasizing, and dreaming. You're like an artist sketching out their future painting. And February is a great time for this. 
However, it's not wise to purchase seeds without a preconceived plan. Therefore, we suggest that you plan ahead and make a detailed list of what you want to plant in your garden. Armed with this outline, you can confidently shop for seeds either in physical stores or online.

#3 Working with snow

If your region has a snowy winter, it is important to get rid of it in February. The reason is that the weather at this time is unstable and the snow becomes heavy, which can destroy your garden structures and plants.
Get rid of snow on fragile structures and also shake it gently off the branches of your shrubs and trees. Plant branches are especially fragile in February and can break under the weight of heavy snow.

#4 Pruning of shrubs and trees

If there is no snow and it is warm enough (at least 17°F or higher), you can begin pruning shrubs and trees.

If the weather is not suitable for starting pruning, you can still prepare for the upcoming season by getting your tools ready and buying any necessary supplies in advance. This will help you be more efficient and effective once the weather improves and you can start working.

#5 Planting in February

Not every plant should be planted in February because for some plants there will not be enough natural light. However, there are a number of plants that can already be planted, especially if they are vegetables and you want to have time to harvest.

Here's a short list of what you can plant in late February and early March:
  • Celeries;
  • Strawberries;
  • Sweet and chili peppers;
  • Eggplants;
  • Flowers.

If you're going to grow early-ripening varieties, you can wait until mid-March, but still late-ripening varieties should be planted now.
So, we've given you a plan for what to do in the last days of winter. As you can see, there is plenty to do in February for gardening. Do all of the above, and you'll enter growing season smoothly.