What do I need to know before pruning plants?

Once you've decided on the type of pruning, the question arises: how to do it correctly? You can't simply cut off everything that seems superfluous; it can harm the plant. Follow these rules for proper pruning:
  • For a tall, shoot-free plant, cut the shoots to the base.
  • To shorten an elongated shoot, cut it leaving 1 to 3 buds, allowing the plant to grow wider.
  • Pay attention to symmetry when shaping the plant. Remove branches out of line or those growing inside the crown.
  • Prune with future shoots in mind; leave buds pointing in the desired direction.
  • Pinch the tips of shoots to stop growth once the plant reaches the desired height.
  • Prune during the active growing season, ideally in spring. Some plants may need a fall pruning.
  • Pruning weakens plants, so provide extra care afterward - feeding, increased watering, and misting.
  • Treat cut spots with ground charcoal or sulfur powder.
  • Disinfect your pruning tools before and after use, especially for diseased plants.
  • Prune once or twice a year to maintain plant health and appearance. For heavily overgrown plants, divide the pruning process.
Following these guidelines will help you maintain healthy and attractive plants.