Why is lighting important for plants?

Light is essential for plants as it facilitates photosynthesis in the leaves and nourishes the plant. However, the light requirements can vary among different plants, necessitating individualized care.
Plants can generally be categorized into three groups based on their lighting needs:
  • Shade-tolerant plants require 12-14 hours of light.
  • Light-loving plants thrive with 13-16 hours of light.
  • Neutral plants adapt well to a lighting duration of 12 to 16 hours.
Additionally, plants can be classified into four groups based on their lighting intensity:
  • Low light plants need from 500 to 2500 lux (lx).
  • Medium light plants require from 2500 to 10000 lx.
  • Bright indirect light plants thrive in 10000 to 20000 lx.
  • Bright direct light plants flourish in 20000 to 50000 lx.
However, light duration is not the sole consideration; other factors, such as a plant's dormancy periods, must be taken into account. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to identify signs of insufficient or excessive light exposure for your plant and take appropriate action promptly.