
Animalia, Arachnida
Mites are small pests (usually under 1 mm) from the arachnid class causing damage to plants by sucking sap from the leaves. Common mites include spider mites and gall mites. Serious mite infestation can lead to mottling of the leaves and defoliation.
How to treat?
Remove pests mechanically. Rub the pests off, or remove infested parts.
Apply ecological products for plant protection (e.g. soap sprays, neem oil).
Introduce natural enemies - predators, parasites, or diseases (e.g. pirate bugs, predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, lacewings).
Isolate the infested plant immediately to avoid the infestation from spreading.
If necessary, apply acaricide (miticide) containing maltodextrin.
Disease prevention
Encourage the presence of natural enemies (e.g. predatory mites).
Water the plant regularly, especially during dry weather.