Animalia, Insecta, Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha
Aphids are sap-sucking insects causing stunted plant growth, leaves, buds, and flower deformation, and infectious disease transmission.
How to treat?
- Biological
Remove pests mechanically. Rub the pests off, or remove infested parts or use a strong stream of water to remove the insect.
Apply ecological products for plant protection (e.g. sticky cards, essential oils, horticultural oil).
Introduce natural enemies - predators, parasites, or diseases (e.g. lady beetles, lacewings, parasitic wasps).
Isolate the infested plant immediately to avoid the infestation from spreading.
- Chemical
If necessary, apply insecticide containing imidacloprid (GHS07: Harmful, GHS08: Health hazard).
- Disease prevention
Encourage the presence of natural enemies (e.g. lady beetles, lacewings, parasitic wasps).
Apply dormant oil (controls pests and diseases during the off-season).
Choose suitable neighboring plants. Some plants naturally repel aphids (e.g. chives, sage, onions).