Armillaria root rot

oak root fungus, shoestring root rot

Armillaria root rot
Armillaria root rot


Fungi, Basidiomycetes, Armillaria


Armillaria root rot is a widespread fungal disease caused by the genus Armillaria, which attacks the roots and base of trees and woody plants. It typically leads to white rot and other symptoms such as poor growth, yellow foliage, dieback of twigs and branches, and eventual death of the plant.

How to treat?

  • microscopeBiological

    • If possible remove and destroy the infected plant with as many roots as possible. Remove and destroy stumps and roots (burn it or toss it into the garbage). Do not compost.

  • syringeDisease prevention

    • Use resistant species and cultivars as well as healthy, certified seeds and seedlings. Avoid planting sensitive crops in infested soil.

    • Ensure having good soil drainage to avoid overwatering.

    • Solarize the soil or use fumigants before planting to reduce the infection in the soil.

    • Disinfect tools, infected flower pots, and hands to avoid disease transmission.

    • Avoid mechanical damage to plants.

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