Lace bugs

lace bugs
lace bugs


Animalia, Insecta, Hemiptera, Tingidae


Lace bug is a pest typically feeding on azaleas and other flowering plants causing yellow and white stippling on the leaves, leaf drop, and curling.

How to treat?

  • microscopeBiological

    • Remove pests mechanically. Use a strong stream of water to remove the insect.

    • Apply ecological products for plant protection (e.g. horticultural oil, neem oil, insecticidal soap).

    • Introduce natural enemies - predators, parasites, or diseases (e.g. parasitic wasp Diglyphus isaea, bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis, beneficial nematodes).

  • pillChemical

    • If necessary, apply insecticide containing imidacloprid (GHS07: Harmful, GHS08: Health hazard).

    • If necessary, apply insecticide containing carbaryl (GHS07: Harmful, GHS08: Health hazard, GHS09: Environmental hazard).

    • If necessary, apply insecticide containing pyrethrin (GHS07: Harmful, GHS09: Environmental hazard).

  • syringeDisease prevention

    • Avoid dry soil and full sun which make the plant more susceptible to infection.

    • Choose suitable neighboring plants. Plant a wide variety of species to avoid the infection from spreading - lace bugs feed usually on one plant species.

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