Nutrient excess

nutrient toxicity

nutrient excess
nutrient excess


Abiotic, nutrient-related issue


Some of the essential nutrients (such as manganese, nitrogen, copper, and chlorine) can be toxic to plants when the amount of the element exceeds the need of the plant. Further, high concentrations of some nutrients lead to a deficiency of others due to competition for nutrient uptake (e.g. high magnesium concentration can cause calcium deficiency). Symptoms of nutrient excess include stunted growth, necrosis, deep green coloration, and chlorosis.

How to treat?

  • microscopeBiological

    • Remove excess nutrients by repotting the plant or flushing the soil with water.

    • Check the pH level - if it is 6.0 or lower (acidic) increase the pH by adding liming materials (e.g. limestone, burned lime, shells).

  • syringeDisease prevention

    • Be especially careful with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which are the major cause of over-fertilization.

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