Peach leaf curl
leaf blister, leaf blister of peach

Fungi, Taphrinomycetes, Taphrinaceae, Taphrina
Peach leaf curl is an infectious disease caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans leading to distorted reddened leaves and defoliation. The spores are carried by wind and air and can overwinter in buds and bark. The disease affects leaves, blossoms, fruits, and shoots of peaches, nectarines, almonds, and apricots.
How to treat?
If possible remove and destroy the infected parts of the plant. Remove the infected parts preferably before the spore layer develops.
Cover the tree to prevent the infection from spreading (e.g. with plastic sheeting).
If necessary, apply a copper-based fungicide.
Disease prevention
Prevent plant stress by optimal watering, fertilizing and protection from sun and frost.
Use resistant species and cultivars as well as healthy, certified seeds and seedlings.
Apply dormant oil (controls pests and diseases during the off-season).