Sphaeropsis blight

Diplodia blight, Diplodia tip blight

Sphaeropsis blight
Sphaeropsis blight


Fungi, Ascomycetes, Sphaeropsis, Sphaeropsis sapinea


Sphaeropsis blight (Diplodia tip blight) is caused by the fungal pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea (also known as Diplodia pinea) and the symptoms include browning and stunting of the needles, branch dieback, cankers, and root disease.

How to treat?

  • microscopeBiological

    • If possible remove and destroy the infected and dead parts of the plant. During dry weather (ideally in autumn), prune infected twigs and remove cones. Burn it, toss it into the garbage, or bury it deeply. Do not compost

    • Apply ecological products for plant protection (e.g. copper-based spray).

  • pillChemical

    • If necessary, apply a fungicide. Fungicides are usually applied at the turn of April and May (Northern Hemisphere).

    • If necessary, apply fungicide containing thiophanate-methyl (GHS07: Harmful, GHS08: Health hazard, GHS09: Environmental hazard).

    • If necessary, apply fungicide containing chlorothalonil (GHS05: Corrosive, GHS06: Toxic, GHS07: Harmful, GHS08: Health hazard, GHS09: Environmental hazard).

  • syringeDisease prevention

    • Use resistant species and cultivars as well as healthy, certified seeds and seedlings. Avoid planting sensitive crops in infested soil.

    • Improve the air circulation around the plant (e.g. by pruning excess foliage or increasing the spacing between plants).

    • Avoid mechanical damage to plants. Control insects and other pests to avoid injuries, which could be a point of access for the fungus.

    • Disinfect tools, infected flower pots, and hands to avoid disease transmission.

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