Tobacco rattle virus

spraing of potato

Tobacco rattle virus
Tobacco rattle virus


Viruses, Tobravirus


The Tobacco rattle virus causes a disease called tobacco rattle in many plants, such as potatoes and ornamentals. The symptoms include curved leaves, mottling, brown necrotic rings and arcs, yellow spots or streaks, or leaves with notches.

How to treat?

  • microscopeBiological

    • If possible remove and destroy the infected plant. Burn it or toss it into the garbage. Do not compost.

  • syringeDisease prevention

    • Use healthy, certified seeds and seedlings.

    • Grow less sensitive plants and cultivars.

    • Disinfect tools, infected flower pots, and hands to avoid disease transmission.

    • Plant non-host plants (e.g. alfalfa) between plantings of the susceptible crop.

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