Mara des Bois Strawberry Fragaria vesca 'Mara des Bois' (F)

👤 Non-toxic to humans
🐾 Non-toxic to pets
🌸 Not blooming
🍪 Edible
‍🌱 Easy-care
alpine strawberry 'Mara des Bois'


The Fragaria vesca 'Mara des Bois', commonly known as the Mara des Bois strawberry, is a perennial plant that bears distinctive and sought-after fruit. The plant forms a compact clump of green foliage with three-part leaves. Each leaflet has a toothed edge, and the leaves can have a slightly glossy appearance. Throughout the growing season, it gives rise to fleshly red strawberries that are smaller than the typical store-bought varieties but are renowned for their intense, sweet flavor and strong, delightful aroma. The flowers of the Mara des Bois strawberry are dainty and white, with a central yellow core composed of numerous tiny stamens, and these flowers usually bloom in clusters. The berries themselves develop from these flowers and are classically heart-shaped, often with a pointed tip. The surface of the fruit is dotted with numerous small seeds, slightly embedded into the berry's flesh. The berries of Mara des Bois are particularly known for their rich, aromatic quality, which harks back to the flavor of wild strawberries. This strawberry variety typically produces runners—slender, horizontal stems that grow outward from the main plant. These runners can take root when they touch the soil, forming new strawberry plants that will bear their own fruits in time. The appearance of the Mara des Bois strawberry makes it a favorite not only for its taste but also for its ornamental value in gardens, where its lush greenery, attractive flowers, and brightly colored fruits contribute to a picturesque setting.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Mara Des Bois Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry, Alpine Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, European Strawberry, Fraises Des Bois

    • Common names

      Fragaria vesca 'Mara des Bois'.

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      The Mara des Bois strawberry is not considered toxic to humans. It is a cultivated variety of strawberry that is grown for its edible fruit. In general, the strawberries are safe to eat, and there are no commonly known toxic effects from ingesting the fruit. However, as with any food item, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or gastrointestinal upset, but this is not due to toxicity of the plant itself.

    • To pets

      The Mara des Bois strawberry is not considered toxic to pets. This plant, known for its sweet and flavorful strawberries, is typically safe for pets such as dogs and cats to consume in moderation. There are no specific toxic compounds in the fruit that would cause poisoning in pets. However, some pets may have sensitivities or allergies to strawberries, which could result in mild gastrointestinal upset if they consume the fruit. It is always prudent to introduce any new food into your pet's diet in small amounts to monitor for adverse reactions.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      0.5 feet (15 cm)

    • Spread

      1.5 feet (45 cm)

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Flavorful Fruit: The Mara des Bois strawberry offers a sweet, aromatic flavor, reminiscent of wild strawberries, ideal for fresh consumption and culinary use.
    • Perennial Growth: As a perennial, this plant can produce fruit for several years, reducing the need to replant annually.
    • Home Gardening: Suitable for home gardens, it can be grown in beds, borders, or containers, providing accessibility to home growers.
    • Attractive Blossoms: The white flowers of the Mara des Bois strawberry can add ornamental value to gardens.
    • Wildlife Habitat: The plant can attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, supporting local ecosystems.
    • Edible Landscaping: This strawberry variety can be incorporated into edible landscaping, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits.
    • Space Efficiency: Due to its compact growth habit, it is suitable for small spaces and urban gardens.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    • Rich in vitamin C: Fragaria vesca can contribute to immune system support and skin health due to its high vitamin C content.
    • Antioxidant potential: The berries may have antioxidant properties that help in protecting cells from free radical damage.
    • Anti-inflammatory effects: The plant contains bioactive compounds that may help in reducing inflammation in the body.
    • Gastrointestinal support: Traditionally, the leaves and fruits have been used to support digestive health and treat mild gastrointestinal disturbances.
    • Diuretic properties: Fragaria vesca has been used to promote diuresis, potentially aiding in kidney function and the urinary system.
    • Skin health: Topical application of the fruit extracts might be beneficial for improving skin health and treating minor skin irritations.
    This information is for reference only, and the use of Fragaria vesca for medicinal purposes should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

  • leavesOther Uses

    • Strawberry-infused Vinegar: 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be used to make a sweet and tangy vinegar that adds a delightful flavor to salads and dressings.
    • Natural Fabric Dye: The juice from 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be used as a natural dye for fabrics, giving them a soft pink to red hue depending on concentration.
    • Strawberry Bath Salts: Dried, crushed 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be mixed with Epsom salts and essential oils to create a fragrant and soothing bath salt mix.
    • Cosmetic Colorant: The fruit extract can be used in homemade cosmetics like lip balms and blushes for a touch of natural color.
    • Eco-friendly Ink: The juice of 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be turned into a simple, biodegradable ink for art or writing.
    • Botanical Ice Cream Flavors: 'Mara des Bois' strawberries have a unique flavor that can be infused into homemade ice cream or sorbets.
    • Gourmet Pet Treats: Strawberries like 'Mara des Bois' can be dehydrated and included in homemade pet treats as a natural sweetener for pets that can safely consume them.
    • Strawberry Leather: Puree 'Mara des Bois' strawberries and dry them out to make a natural, sweet fruit leather snack.
    • Candle Making: The scent of 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be captured in candle making, creating a sweet berry aroma for the home.
    • Plant Potpourri: Dried 'Mara des Bois' strawberries can be a component in potpourri mixes, adding a delightful natural scent and a hint of color.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    The Wild Strawberry is not used in Feng Shui practice.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    The Wild Strawberry is not used in astrology practice.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    • Innocence: The strawberry, including the Mara des Bois variety, often symbolizes purity and innocence due to its delicate flavor and association with woodland creatures in folklore and myth.
    • Love and Passion: With its bright red color and heart shape, strawberries are frequently associated with love and intense passion. Mara des Bois strawberries, with their unique taste, may also represent the sweetness in relationships.
    • Fertility: Strawberries are linked to fertility both for their many seeds visible on the outside and their use as a symbol in art and culture, relating to abundance and fruitfulness.
    • Good Fortune: Some cultures see strawberries as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity, perhaps because of their association with lush growth and sweetness.
    • Perfection: The perfect symmetry and shape of strawberries can be associated with the ideal and perfection, which is exemplified in the prized characteristics of the Mara des Bois cultivar.

Every 1-2 days
2500 - 10000 Lux
Every year
As needed
  • water dropWater

    The 'Mara des Bois' strawberry should be watered deeply once a week, providing about 1-2 gallons of water per square yard of soil to ensure adequate moisture is available for the roots. During hot or dry weather, water twice a week to maintain soil moisture without waterlogging the plant. Consistency is key to avoid stress that can lead to poor fruit development. Aim for early morning watering to allow leaves to dry out during the day, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Adjust the amount of water needed based on rainfall and temperature, ensuring that the soil remains moist but not soggy.

  • sunLight

    'Mara des Bois' strawberries perform best in full sun, which equates to at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. Choose a spot that receives unobstructed light to promote strong growth and abundant fruiting. While they can tolerate partial shade, the amount and quality of the fruit may be reduced in lesser light conditions.

  • thermometerTemperature

    The ideal temperature range for 'Mara des Bois' strawberries is between 60°F to 80°F. They can survive temperature dips down to 20°F and can tolerate heat up to 85°F. However, extended periods outside of the ideal range can stress the plants and affect fruit production. Provide protection from frost in the early spring and from intense heat during the peak of summer.

  • scissorsPruning

    Prune 'Mara des Bois' strawberries to remove dead or diseased leaves and spent fruit to encourage healthy growth and reduce disease pressure. Prune runners throughout the growing season to concentrate the plant's energy on fruit production. The best time for general pruning is after the harvest season, typically in late summer or early fall, to prepare the plants for winter and the following growing season.

  • broomCleaning

    As needed

  • bambooSoil

    For the Mara des Bois strawberry, the ideal soil mix should be well-draining, rich in organic matter, and have a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. A blend of one part loam, one part peat moss, and one part perlite or sand is often recommended to provide the right balance of drainage and fertility.

  • plantRepotting

    Mara des Bois strawberries typically do not need frequent repotting and can be done every 2-3 years. They spread through runners, so rather than repotting, gardeners often replace older plants with new ones propagated from these runners.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    Mara des Bois strawberries thrive best under moderate humidity levels. They appreciate a relative humidity of around 70-85%, which mirrors their native woodland habitat conditions.

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Place in bright, indirect light with ample airflow.

    • Outdoor

      Full sun to partial shade; protect from extreme heat.

    • Hardiness zone

      5-9 USDA

  • circleLife cycle

    The life of the Mara des Bois strawberry (Fragaria vesca 'Mara des Bois') begins as a seed, which germinates in the spring under adequate conditions of moisture and temperature. The seed develops into a seedling, which forms true leaves and establishes a root system. As vegetative growth continues, the plant develops a crown from which new leaves and flower stems emerge. The strawberry plant then enters a reproductive phase, producing white flowers that are pollinated by insects, leading to the formation of red, aromatic strawberries by mid-summer. After fruiting, the plant can produce runners, or stolons, which spread out and take root, growing into new plants. Finally, as temperatures drop in autumn, the Mara des Bois strawberry enters a period of dormancy, conserving energy to survive the winter and to begin the cycle anew with the next warm season.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time


    • The most widely practiced method of propagating the 'Mara des Bois' strawberry, a variety of Fragaria vesca, is through runner division. Typically performed in late summer or early fall, this technique involves waiting for the parent plant to produce long, slender shoots known as runners. These runners develop small plantlets at their tips, which can root readily when they touch the soil. To propagate, gardeners select healthy runner plantlets with established roots, sever them carefully from the mother plant, and then transplant them into prepared ground or pots. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged, and the new plants should be placed in a spot with similar light and temperature conditions to where they were originally growing. This simple and efficient cloning method maintains the parent plant's characteristics in the new offspring.