Burnet Tanna Sanguisorba 'Tanna'

👤 Non-toxic to humans
🐾 Non-toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Edible
‍🌱 Easy-care
burnet 'Tanna'


Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as Burnet, showcases a charming and elegant appearance with a natural, poised habit that enlivens garden spaces. The foliage of this herbaceous perennial forms a dense clump of pinnate leaves, which are deep green and possess a fine texture that contributes to the plant's overall lushness. Each leaf is made up of numerous small, rounded leaflets that are neatly arrayed along the central vein. The Burnet truly comes into its own when it sends up its attractive flowering stems. These stems are topped with dense, bottlebrush-like flower spikes that have a unique visual appeal. The flowers themselves are small and tightly-packed, creating a spiky effect. Their color is typically a deep, rich red or maroon, which stands out boldly against the greenery of the foliage. The combination of these delightful flowers and the verdant leaves creates a contrasting palette that catches the eye. The visual texture of Burnet makes it a favorite among gardeners looking to add a touch of whimsy and natural sophistication to their landscape. The plant's flowers and leaves sway gracefully with the breeze, providing a dynamic and animate aspect to its form. The vibrant flowers are also known for their attractiveness to pollinators, adding an ecological benefit to their aesthetic appeal. Overall, Burnet exudes a simple, yet captivating charm, enhancing its surroundings with its distinguished presence.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Burnet 'Tanna', Small Burnet 'Tanna'

    • Common names

      Sanguisorba 'Tanna'.

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      The plant Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as 'Great Burnet' is not widely recognized for toxicity to humans. There is limited information suggesting that it is poisonous; however, as with any plant, it is generally advisable to avoid ingesting parts of plants that are not known to be edible, as they could potentially cause an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.

    • To pets

      The plant Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as 'Great Burnet' does not have a well-documented toxicity to pets such as cats and dogs. It is not typically listed as poisonous to pets. However, ingestion of non-food items by pets can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal upset, so it is still wise to prevent your pets from eating ornamental plants to avoid any potential digestive issues.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color

      Dark red

    • Height

      1-2 feet (30-60 cm)

    • Spread

      0.5-1 feet (15-30 cm)

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Aesthetic Appeal: Sanguisorba 'Tanna' adds visual interest to gardens with its small, deep red flowers that bloom in summer.
    • Attracts Pollinators: The blooms attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, which are essential for pollination.
    • Low Maintenance: Once established, it is considered to be a low-maintenance plant, requiring minimal care and water.
    • Drought Tolerance: It is fairly drought-tolerant, making it suitable for gardens in drier climates or for water-conserving landscapes.
    • Cold Hardy: This variety is capable of withstanding cold temperatures, making it suitable for planting in a variety of climates.
    • Long Bloom Time: The flowers of Sanguisorba 'Tanna' have a prolonged bloom time, providing extended color in the garden.
    • Compact Size: With its smaller stature, this plant is ideal for borders, rock gardens, or small garden spaces.
    • Resistant to Pests and Diseases: It generally has good resistance to common garden pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
    • Naturalizing: It can spread to form natural drifts without becoming invasive, which can create a more relaxed and natural garden aesthetic.

  • medicalMedical Properties

      This plant is not used for medical purposes.

    • windAir-purifying Qualities

      This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

    • leavesOther Uses

      • Dye Production: Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as Salad Burnet, has been used to produce natural dyes for fabric, thanks to the tannins present in its leaves and stems.
      • Companion Planting: Salad Burnet is considered a good companion plant in vegetable gardens as it may attract beneficial insects and has a reputation for improving the growth and health of nearby plants.
      • Gastronomy: The young leaves and shoots of Salad Burnet are edible and can be used as a cucumber-like flavoring in salads, soups, sandwiches, and cold drinks.
      • Fragrance Sachets: The subtly scented leaves of Salad Burnet can be dried and included in potpourri or fragrance sachets to impart a fresh, cucumber-like aroma to drawers and closets.
      • Ornamental Grass Substitute: With its grass-like foliage, Salad Burnet can be used in landscaping where an ornamental grass might be desirable, but a lower-growing, less-invasive option is preferred.
      • Garden Borders: The compact and uniform growth habit of Salad Burnet makes it suitable for creating defined edges along garden paths or borders.
      • Livestock Feed: Although not its primary purpose, Salad Burnet can be used as a nutritious addition to feed for various livestock, including rabbits and chickens.
      • Erosion Control: The dense and deep root system of Salad Burnet makes it useful for planting in areas prone to erosion, helping to stabilize the soil.
      • Craft Projects: The interesting form and texture of Salad Burnet's flower spikes make them suitable for inclusion in dried floral arrangements and other craft projects.
      • Natural Insect Repellent: While not as effective as other plants, Salad Burnet has been traditionally used in gardens and among linen to help repel certain insects naturally.

    Interesting Facts

    • bedFeng Shui

      The Burnet is not used in Feng Shui practice.

    • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

      The Burnet is not used in astrology practice.

    • spiralPlant Symbolism

      • Healing: Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as Burnet, has a history of use in traditional medicine. Thus, it is often associated with healing and the ability to mend wounds, both physical and emotional.
      • Protection: Burnet plants were believed to have protective qualities, so they symbolize defense against harm and a safeguard for health.
      • Harmony: Due to its unassuming nature and the way it blends into garden spaces, the Burnet plant is often seen as a symbol of balance and harmony in one’s surroundings.
      • Endurance and Longevity: Burnet is a hardy plant that can thrive in various conditions; it evokes the qualities of endurance and the wish for a long, healthy life.

    Every 1-2 weeks
    2500 - 10000 Lux
    Every 2-3 years
    Spring-Early Summer
    As needed
    • water dropWater

      The Burnet plant requires even moisture and should be watered regularly, especially during dry spells. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Depending on the climate, this could mean watering once every week with approximately 1 gallon of water, ensuring it reaches deep into the root zone. During particularly hot and dry periods, the frequency may need to increase to every few days. Always check the soil moisture level before watering to avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

    • sunLight

      Burnet thrives best in full sun to partial shade. The ideal spot would receive at least six hours of sunlight daily but would also benefit from some afternoon shade in especially hot climates. Avoid deeply shaded areas, as insufficient light can lead to poor growth and fewer blossoms.

    • thermometerTemperature

      The ideal temperature range for Burnet is between 50°F and 70°F. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 0°F and as high as 85°F, but prolonged periods outside this range can stress the plant. Burnet generally prefers cooler conditions and may struggle with intense heat without adequate moisture.

    • scissorsPruning

      Prune Burnet plants to promote healthy growth and remove any spent flowers or dead foliage. The best time for pruning is in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Cut back the old foliage to the ground to encourage fresh, robust growth. Throughout the growing season, deadheading or removing spent flower spikes can encourage continued blooming.

    • broomCleaning

      As needed

    • bambooSoil

      Burnet 'Tanna' thrives best in a well-drained, loamy soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6.0 and 7.0. An ideal soil mix would consist of two parts garden soil, one part sand, and one part compost to ensure good drainage and adequate nutrients.

    • plantRepotting

      Burnet 'Tanna' generally does not require frequent repotting and can be repotted every 2-3 years or as needed if it outgrows its current container.

    • water dropsHumidity & Misting

      Burnet 'Tanna' prefers moderate humidity levels but is fairly adaptable and can tolerate the humidity found in most typical garden environments without needing special attention.

    • pinSuitable locations

      • Indoor

        Place in bright, indirect light and ensure good air circulation.

      • Outdoor

        Plant in full sun to partial shade, in well-draining soil.

      • Hardiness zone

        4-8 USDA

    • circleLife cycle

      The Burnet 'Tanna' typically begins its life as a dormant seed, which, once sown into moist, well-drained soil in early spring or after the last frost, will germinate as temperatures warm. The seedling stage involves the emergence of cotyledons and the development of true leaves, as the plant establishes a root system. Vegetative growth continues as it matures, with the plant forming a low rosette of compound leaves that are green and often pinnate. During the late spring to summer, 'Tanna' enters the flowering stage, producing tall, bottlebrush-like spikes of tiny, dark red to maroon flowers that are attractive to pollinators. After pollination, seeds are set and once mature, dispersed nearby, which allows the plant to self-sow and potentially establish new individuals. The plant may die back to the ground with the onset of winter, but as a perennial, it will regrow from its rootstock the following spring.

    • sproutPropogation

      • Propogation time

        Spring-Early Summer

      • Propogation: The most popular method of propagation for Sanguisorba 'Tanna', commonly known as Burnet, is by division. This is typically done in the spring, just as the plants are coming out of dormancy and starting to show growth. To propagate by division, carefully dig up an established clump and gently separate it into smaller pieces, ensuring that each piece has a segment of the root system attached. These divisions should be immediately replanted into well-drained soil, with the crown placed at the same level it was growing at before division. Water the new plants thoroughly to help establish them. This technique allows gardeners to quickly increase their stock of Burnet plants while maintaining the characteristics of the parent plant.