Tree privet Ligustrum lucidum

☠ Toxic to humans
🐾 Toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Not edible
‍🌱 Easy-care
Tree privet
Tree privet
Tree privet


Ligustrum lucidum is an evergreen shrub with a bold and upright habit.
Its glossy, bright green leaves are oval in shape, often with a yellowish tinge at the tip. The leaves usually measure between 2–4 inches long and about 1–2 inches wide, and are coarsely toothed along the margins.
The shrub has a moderate growth rate, reaching an average height of 8-15 feet tall and a spread of 6-10 feet when mature. In late May or early June, it produces small, white fragrant flowers in drooping clusters measuring 3-6 inches in length. The flowers are followed by blue-black berries in July that ripen to a deep purple in late August.
The shrub is relatively tolerant of a wide range of soil types and conditions, while preferring moderate to full direct sunlight and regular water.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Chinese privet, Chinese wax tree, Glossy privet, Shining-leaved privet, White wax tree, Broad-leaf privet, 

    • Common names

      Ligustrum lucidum

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      Ligustrum lucidum is not considered toxic to humans. However, in some cases, it has been known to cause skin irritation and dermatitis.
      Symptoms of dermatitis can include redness, itching, or burning of the skin, as well as swelling and blistering. Although these effects are generally mild, close contact with the plant should be avoided to reduce the risk of exposure.

    • To pets

      Ligustrum lucidum is toxic to animals when ingested. Symptoms of poisoning include stomach irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and depression. Ingestion may also cause difficulty breathing, weakness and death n rare cases.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      Up to 15 feet

    • Spread

      Up to 10 feet

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    Antioxidant Activity: Ligustrum lucidum contains high amounts of various antioxidant compounds, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids, which can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
    Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The antioxidants present in Ligustrum lucidum can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
    Improved Cardiovascular Health: Ligustrum lucidum extracts can help lower cholesterol, triglycerides and other markers linked with heart disease.
    Enhances Brain Function: Ligustrum lucidum is thought to possess compounds that may help enhance cognitive performance and protect the brain from age-related decline.
    Helps Combat Poor Digestion: The plant is believed to aid in digestion, help reduce symptoms of indigestion and protect the digestive system.
    Strengthens Immunity: Ligustrum lucidum may have the ability to increase immunity and protect against illnesses by boosting the production of immune cells.
    Calming Effects: Ligustrum lucidum extracts may have calming effects on the body and help reduce stress levels.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    Ligustrum lucidum has various medicinal properties attributed to it. Here are some of them:
    Anti-inflammatory: The plant contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate swelling and pain.
    Antioxidant: The leaves of Ligustrum lucidum have high antioxidant content, which helps to neutralize free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative stress.
    Antiviral: Some studies have shown that extracts of the plant can inhibit the growth of viruses such as herpes and influenza.
    Immune system booster: Ligustrum lucidum is believed to enhance immune function, potentially due to its high content of polysaccharides and antioxidants.
    Cardiovascular health: The plant has been used to improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure due to its vasodilating effects.
    Liver health: Ligustrum lucidum has been traditionally used to support liver health and may help protect the liver from damage caused by toxins.
    Digestive health: The plant has been used to relieve constipation and promote healthy digestion.
    Respiratory health: The leaves and bark of Ligustrum lucidum have been used to treat coughs, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.
    Neuroprotective: The plant contains compounds that may help protect the brain from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation.
    Anti-allergic: Some studies suggest that the plant may have anti-allergic effects and can help alleviate symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
    Mind that this plant should haven't been used as stand alone treatment. Consult your doctor first.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    The Ligustrum lucidum plant is known for its air purifying qualities. Its dense foliage helps to absorb and filter particles from the air, removing pollutants and toxins from the surrounding environment. The plant is also known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties, cleaning pathogens from the air. Additionally, the plant releases oxygen into the air for cleaner, fresher air.

  • leavesOther Uses

    Oriental Cocktail Ingredient: The leaves of Ligustrum lucidum can be used as an ingredient in Chinese cocktails, adding a sour flavor when combined with ginger and other ingredients.
    Bonsai Tree: The Ligustrum lucidum shrub is a popular species to use as a bonsai due to its elegant, glossy green leaves and strong branches.
    Insect Repellent: Ligustrum lucidum leaves combined with other ingredients like Camphor and Menthol, can be used as an insect repellent, keeping mosquitoes and other pests away.
    Walled Garden Decoration: Ligustrum lucidum can be used as an ornamental shrub, ideal for creating a walled garden because of its beautiful, evergreen foliage.
    Hedge Plant: The dense and relatively low-growing Ligustrum lucidum is the perfect choice for creating a beautiful, evergreen hedge in your backyard.
    Hedging for Privacy: If planted in a thick line, Ligustrum lucidum makes a formidable living privacy wall, shielding against nosy neighbors, dust and pollution.
    Aromatherapy: Ligustrum lucidum leaves can be used in aromatherapy treatments due to their sweet and mildly citrusy scent.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    Ligustrum lucidum is a versatile plant in Feng Shui. It can be used to create a protective boundary, improve indoor air quality and bring luck when used in a balanced and thoughtful way.
    For a protective boundary, you can plant or place the privet around the perimeter of your property as a living wall of protection. To improve indoor air quality and bring luck, you can place the privet in a light corner of the home.
    Placing it in an eastern or southern corner is beneficial as it is believed to harness the most energy and healing properties. Additionally, herbs, fruits and good luck Charms can be added to the privet to add further success, protection and wealth.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    According to astrology, the Ligustrum lucidum plant is most closely associated with Virgo. This is due to the fact that Virgo is associated with careful attention to detail as well as with organization and planning, which are all characteristics that this plant is known for having. Its abundance of small and intricate leaves reflects the organizational and analytical nature of Virgo, making this sign the ideal match for this beautiful little plant.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    Ligustrum lucidum is an evergreen shrub found in many Asian countries. The plant is widely used in Eastern culture and symbolism, often representing luck, success and wisdom. Its bright, glossy leaves symbolize strength and endurance, while its large clusters of white flowers denote purity and innocence.
    The plant is highly prized for its medicinal properties and is considered a symbol of longevity and fertility. As such, it has been used to promote good health and ward off illness, while also providing a source of spiritual protection.
    In Chinese culture, the plant is seen to bring balance and peace as well as good luck in all areas of life.

Once a week
10000 - 20000 Lux
Not needed
Spring - summer
Late winter - early spring
  • water dropWater

    Ligustrum lucidum should be watered deeply and thoroughly. Water should be applied weekly, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.
    The amount of water given should be adjusted depending on the season and size of the plant. During the growing season, 1 to 2 inches of water should be applied every week.
    During the winter, water should be reduced to once every three weeks. When watering Ligustrum lucidum, it is important to take care to avoid over-watering or under-watering the plant.

  • sunLight

    The best light conditions for Ligustrum lucidum are bright indirect sunlight. The ideal spot for the plant should be in a room or area with lots of natural light.

  • thermometerTemperature

    Ligustrum lucidum, also known as glossy privet, is a hardy plant that can survive in a range of temperatures.
    It is tolerant of both heat and cold temperatures, and can survive in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 10, which means it can withstand temperatures as low as 0°F and as high as 100°F.
    However, it prefers moderate temperatures and grows best in areas with temperatures ranging from 65°F to 85°F.

  • scissorsPruning

    Ligustrum lucidum should be pruned twice a year, in late spring and early summer. Pruning should be done to remove damaged or diseased branches, as well as to maintain the desired height and shape of the shrub. All pruning cuts should be made just above an outward facing bud and angled downward, making sure the angle of the cut does not allow moisture to collect. Branches should be pruned back to a lateral bud or branch, avoiding removal of the entire branch.

  • broomCleaning

    Not needed

  • bambooSoil

    For a soil mix that will best grow Ligustrum lucidum, mix together equal parts of peat moss, potting soil, and topsoil. Add 1/4 cup of lime per 8 litres of soil mix. Make sure the soil is well drained and well aerated. The soil mixture should be slightly acidic, with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5.

  • plantRepotting

    It is an outdoor tree, so transplanting is not required.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    The best humidity conditions for Ligustrum lucidum are moderate to high humidity. The best humidity level for this plant is between 50-75%. 

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Not growing

    • Outdoor

      All year round

    • Hardiness zone

      7 - 10 USDA

  • circleLife cycle

    Ligustrum lucidum starts its life as a small seedling with one or two cotyledons.
    As it grows, it develops a single stem with several branches, and the leaves become more prominent, glossy, and dark green.
    At maturity, Ligustrum lucidum can reach a height of 10 to 30 feet, with a spread of 10 to 15 feet. The tree develops a dense canopy of glossy, ovate leaves and produces fragrant, small white flowers in the spring and summer.
    The flowers of the Ligustrum lucidum give way to small, spherical, blue-black drupes in the fall. These fruits are edible, but they are not commonly consumed.
    With age, the leaves may become less glossy and show signs of yellowing or browning, and the branches may become brittle and break easily.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time

      Spring - summer

    • Stem Cuttings:
      Take a softwood stem cutting from the current year's growth with several sets of leaves. Dip the bottom 1-2 inches of the stem in a rooting hormone to promote root growth. Fill a 6-8 inch pot with a well-draining potting soil. Make a hole in the soil with a pencil and insert the stem cutting into the hole firmly. - Water the potting soil until evenly moist, but not soggy. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or cloche and place outside in a spot with morning sun but shady in the hot afternoon. Check the moisture in the potting soil often and keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. In 2-3 weeks, roots should form and you can transplant your new cutting into a larger pot or the garden.
      Search for Ligustrum lucidum seeds in the late summer when the seed pods are ripe. Crack open the seed pods to remove the seeds and discard the seed pods. Place the seeds in a container with just enough warm (70-75 degrees Fahrenheit) water to cover them. Allow them to soak for 24 hours before planting. Fill a 6-8 inch pot with a well-draining potting soil. Plant the seeds an inch deep in the potting soil. Water the potting soil until evenly moist, but not soggy. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or cloche and place outside in a spot with morning sun but shady in the hot afternoon. Check the moisture in the potting soil often and keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. In 1-2 months, seeds should sprout and you can transplant your new seedlings into a larger pot or the garden.

  • insectPests

    Spider mite, Whitefly, Scale insects, Aphid

  • microbeDiseases

    Root Rot, Powdery mildew, Leaf spot