Daffodil Narcissus 'High Society' (2)
Narcissus 'High Society' is also recognized by the charming and more familiar name "daffodil." This particular variety is noted for its elegant and ornate blooms. Each flower displays a striking combination of colors, typically featuring a creamy white backdrop accented by a frilly, peach or pink-hued central cup, which is sometimes referred to as the trumpet or corona. The contrast between the pastel cup and the pristine white petals is truly eye-catching, and these petals radiate around the cup in a star-like fashion, often with a slightly overlapping arrangement that adds depth to the blossom. The leaves of 'High Society' daffodils are slender and long, with a dark green hue that provides a perfect foil to the bright and showy flowers. They grow in a strappy, upright manner, emerging from the base of the plant and offering a lush backdrop throughout the blooming season. These daffodils usually possess a sturdy stem that holds the bloom aloft, allowing the distinctive flower heads to sway gently in the breeze. Daffodils like the 'High Society' are often appreciated for their springtime flowering, heralding the arrival of warmer days with their vibrant display, and their fragrance can be just as delightful as their appearance. As they bloom, they can fill the air with a subtle, sweet scent that enhances the pleasure of their visual beauty. These attributes make the 'High Society' daffodil a charming and popular choice for gardens, symbolizing the rebirth of nature and a sense of renewal that comes with the spring season.
About this plant
- Names
High Society Daffodil, High Society Narcissus
Common names
Narcissus 'High Society'
- Toxicity
To humans
The daffodil, especially the 'High Society' variety, contains toxic alkaloids including lycorine and others which are present throughout the plant, but particularly concentrated in the bulb. If ingested by humans, these toxins can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In severe cases, ingestion may lead to dehydration, low blood pressure, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmias. Handling the bulbs can also cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
To pets
Daffodils, such as the 'High Society' variety, are toxic to pets. The alkaloids, primarily lycorine, can cause vomiting, salivation, diarrhea, convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmias if ingested. The bulb is the most dangerous part, but all parts of the plant can be harmful to pets. Severe cases can be fatal if not treated promptly.
- Characteristics
Life cycle
Foliage type
Color of leaves
Flower color
1-1.5 feet (30-45 cm)
0.5-1 foot (15-30 cm)
Plant type
Hardiness zones
Native area
- General Benefits
- Ornamental Value: The Narcissus 'High Society' adds aesthetic appeal to gardens with its striking white petals and contrasting orange-pink cup, making it popular for decorative purposes.
- Easy to Grow: It is generally easy to cultivate and doesn’t require expert gardening skills, which is ideal for novice gardeners.
- Spring Bloom: This variety of daffodil blooms in the spring, providing early color to garden landscapes after the winter season.
- Perennial Growth: As a perennial, the Narcissus 'High Society' will return year after year, making it a long-term addition to gardens.
- Cut Flower: It is suitable for cutting and making floral arrangements, which can brighten indoor spaces.
- Wildlife Attraction: Daffodils can attract pollinators, such as bees, which are important for the health of the garden ecosystem.
- Low Maintenance: Daffodils, including the 'High Society' variety, generally have low maintenance requirements, rarely needing much attention once established.
- Deer and Rodent Resistant: These flowers are not favored by deer or rodents, reducing the likelihood of them being eaten by such animals.
- Medical Properties
- This plant is not used for medical purposes.
- Air-purifying Qualities
This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.
- Other Uses
- The fibrous leaves of Narcissus 'High Society' can be used in weaving or making baskets, providing a natural and biodegradable material.
- Crushed bulbs of the daffodil have been applied to wounds in traditional practices to create a poultice, although this should be approached with caution due to potential skin irritants.
- Dried Narcissus flowers are incorporated into potpourri mixes for their fragrance and aesthetic appeal.
- Due to its distinct scent, Narcissus 'High Society' extract is sometimes used in perfumery and scented products.
- With its bright, attractive flowers, the Narcissus can be utilized as a natural dye for fabrics, imparting a soft yellow hue.
- Floral arrangements featuring Narcissus 'High Society' are often used for their symbolism in art and literature, representing egotism or self-love due to the Greek myth of Narcissus.
- Narcissus 'High Society' bulbs are sometimes used as a natural pest repellent in gardens, as some pests are deterred by the compounds in the bulbs.
- These flowers can play a part in educational settings, such as biology classes, to study plant anatomy and reproductive systems.
- Narcissus is often planted at the graves of loved ones in some cultures as a tribute that symbolizes the rebirth and the coming of spring.
- The image of the Narcissus flower is widely used in poetry and visual arts as a metaphor for beauty and personal reflection.
Interesting Facts
- Feng Shui
The Daffodil is associated with good fortune, prosperity, and resilience in Feng Shui. It is believed to bring positive energy, particularly when placed in the wealth or health sectors of a space. To enhance wealth, place Daffodils in the southeast area of your home or office, and for health, the east area is appropriate. Remember to always use healthy, vibrant plants as wilted plants can attract negative energy.
- Zodiac Sign Compitability
The Daffodil is not used in astrology practice.
- Plant Symbolism
- Self-love: Named after the ancient Greek character, Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection, this flower symbolizes self-love and vanity.
- Rebirth: As one of the first flowers to bloom in spring, the narcissus is often associated with rebirth and new beginnings.
- Wealth and Prosperity: Specifically, the 'High Society' cultivar with its luxurious appearance can be associated with wealth and prosperity.
- Hope: The bright, cheerful bloom of the narcissus brings hope and is viewed as a harbinger of spring after a long winter.
- Insight: In some cultural interpretations, the narcissus is associated with inner reflection, offering insight into our own nature.
- Water
Daffodils, including 'High Society', appreciate consistent moisture during the growing season, especially when they're in bloom. They should be watered deeply once a week, providing about 1 gallon of water per square yard of soil. Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogging, which can cause bulb rot. After flowering, you can reduce watering as the foliage begins to die back, signaling the plant's entry into dormancy. In climates with wet summers, you may not need to water at all during the dormant period.
- Light
Daffodils flourish in full sunlight to partial shade. A spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal. If you plant them under deciduous trees, they can enjoy full sun before the trees leaf out and then benefit from partial shade during the hotter months, which can help prevent premature withering of the foliage.
- Temperature
Daffodils are hardy and can survive in a wide range of temperatures, but they perform best when daytime temperatures are between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit before and during bloom. However, prolonged exposure to temperatures below this can damage the flowers and foliage.
- Pruning
Daffodils typically do not require pruning in the traditional sense. However, it's important to remove spent flower heads after blooming to prevent the plant from expending energy on seed production. Leave the foliage in place until it turns yellow and withers, usually around six weeks after flowering, to allow the plant to store energy for next year's bloom.
- Cleaning
As needed
- Soil
Daffodils like 'High Society' thrive in well-drained soil with ample organic matter. The ideal soil pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, ranging between 6.0 and 7.0. A soil mix containing equal parts of loamy garden soil, peat or leaf mold, and sharp sand or perlite will create an optimal environment for growth and blooming.
- Repotting
Daffodils like 'High Society' typically don't require frequent repotting and can be left undisturbed for several years. However, if bulbs become overcrowded, they should be lifted and divided after the foliage has died back, usually every 3 to 5 years, to maintain vigorous growth.
- Humidity & Misting
Daffodils like 'High Society' are tolerant of a wide range of humidity levels and do not require specific humidity conditions. They are adaptable to the typical outdoor environment and flourish in climates that provide a cold dormancy period.
- Suitable locations
Place in bright, indirect light with cool temps and well-draining soil.
Plant in fall, full sun to partial shade, fertile and well-drained soil.
Hardiness zone
3-9 USDA
- Life cycle
Narcissus 'High Society'—more commonly known as daffodil—begins its life cycle with a dormant bulb that resides underground throughout the winter. In early spring, environmental cues such as temperature and light trigger the bulb to send up shoots, which develop into long, strap-like leaves and stems. By mid to late spring, the iconic flower buds emerge atop individual stems and bloom into the recognizable daffodil flowers, usually displaying white petals with a pink trumpet. After pollination, which can occur through wind or insect activity, the flowers will wither and the plant will develop seed pods, although many gardeners deadhead the flowers to divert energy back into the bulb for next year's growth. As summer approaches, the leaves yellow and wither as the plant enters a period of dormancy, with the bulb storing energy for the next spring. This cycle repeats annually, with bulbs potentially multiplying underground over the years, leading to clumps of daffodils that can be divided and spread throughout the garden.
- Propogation
Propogation time
Spring-Early Summer
The most popular method for propagating Narcissus 'High Society', commonly known as daffodil, is by dividing the bulbs. This process is typically carried out after the foliage has died back in the late spring to early summer months. Gardeners carefully lift the bulbs from the soil and gently separate the offsets, which are the small bulbs that form at the base of the parent bulb, ensuring each offset has a portion of the base plate to generate roots. These offsets are then replanted at a depth of approximately 6 inches (about 15 centimeters) and spaced 3 to 6 inches apart (about 7.5 to 15 centimeters) to allow for growth. Over the following growing season, these offsets will develop into mature bulbs capable of producing their own flowers.