Larkspur Delphinium Magic Fountains Series

☠ Toxic to humans
🐾 Toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Not edible
‍🌱 Hard-care
delphinium Magic Fountain Series


The Delphinium Magic Fountains Series features an enchanting display of densely packed flowers that blossom along tall spikes, towering above the foliage in a majestic manner. These blossoms come in a delightful variety of colors, including shades of blue, purple, pink, and white, often accented with a contrasting bee, or central part of the flower, that can be white or dark in color, adding depth and variety to the floral display. The individual flowers are comprised of five petal-like sepals that are elongated and slightly curved, creating an elegant and eye-catching appearance. The leaves of the Delphinium Magic Fountains Series are deeply lobed, with three to seven palmately arranged divisions, giving them a lacy and delicate texture that complements the overall gracefulness of the plant. This series is cherished for its vibrant blooms and stately presence that creates a dramatic effect in garden beds, borders, and cottage gardens.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Larkspur, Dwarf Delphinium

    • Common names

      Delphinium Magic Fountains Series

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      2-4 feet [0.6-1.2 meters]

    • Spread

      1-2 feet [0.3-0.6 meters]

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area

      Northern Hemisphere


  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Attracts pollinators: Delphiniums are known for attracting bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects to the garden, promoting pollination.
    • Ornamental appeal: With their tall spikes of colorful flowers, delphiniums provide a vertical element and a splash of color to gardens and landscapes.
    • Variety of colors: The Magic Fountains Series offers a range of colors, including shades of blue, purple, pink, and white, allowing for personalized garden design.
    • Compact growth: This series is bred for a more compact growth habit, making it suitable for smaller gardens or containers.
    • Cut flowers: Delphiniums are excellent for cut flower arrangements, providing height and elegance to bouquets.
    • Cottage garden charm: Delphiniums are classic elements of a cottage garden, bringing traditional beauty to modern landscaping.
    • Seasonal interest: They bloom in early to mid-summer, adding interest to the garden during this time.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    This plant is not used for medical purposes.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

  • leavesOther Uses

    • Delphiniums can be used as a natural dye for fabrics, giving a range of blue and purple hues depending on the mordant used.
    • In photography, the vibrant colors of delphinium flowers are used to create stunning floral backgrounds or to enhance macro photography.
    • As an educational tool in botany, delphiniums can exemplify complete flower anatomy for students learning about plant biology.
    • The tall, sturdy stalks of delphiniums are sometimes used in crafting, such as for the structural basis of handmade wreaths or other decor items.
    • Their seed pods can be included in dried flower arrangements to add unique texture and shapes.
    • Due to their striking appearance, delphiniums are used in artistic body paint or photography projects for their vibrant colors.
    • Delphinium petals have been incorporated into paper making to create decorative paper with natural inclusions.
    • In landscapes, delphinium flowers can be used to create a natural fencing look when planted in a row or as a colorful hedge alternative.
    • They can be used in art classes as a subject for botanical illustration, teaching students about capturing intricate detail and color.
    • Delphiniums are sometimes used in the creation of natural confetti, where their petals provide a biodegradable and colorful option for celebrations.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    The Larkspur is not used in Feng Shui practice.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    The Larkspur is not used in astrology practice.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    • Openness to New Experiences: The Delphinium Magic Fountains Series, modelled after its taller relatives, symbolizes a willingness to embrace new opportunities and experiences, akin to its open and starry florets.
    • Protection: In folklore, delphiniums were believed to ward off scorpions and negative energies, thus representing protection.
    • Heavenly Aspirations: The plant, with its spire-like growth, connotes a striving towards heaven and reaching for one’s highest aspirations.
    • Ardent Attachment: Delphiniums are often used to communicate a strong bond of love, as its vibrant colors and towering appearance are associated with strong emotions.
    • Lightness and Levity: As the delphinium stands tall and elegant, light-heartedness and a sense of humor are suggested by its breezy and uplifted stance.
    • Remembrance: Delphiniums are also a symbol of remembrance, often planted in memory of lost loved ones.

Every 1-2 weeks
2500 - 10000 Lux
Every 2-3 years
Spring to Summer
As needed
  • water dropWater

    Larkspur, commonly known as Delphinium Magic Fountains, should be watered regularly to keep the soil consistently moist but never waterlogged. It is ideal to water the plant once or twice a week, depending on the weather conditions and soil drainage. If the temperature is especially warm or if the plant is in a pot, you may need to water more frequently. Aim to provide about 1 inch of water per week, which is roughly 0.6 gallons for an average-sized plant. During hot spells or dry periods, monitor the soil moisture closely and water as needed to prevent stress on the plant.

  • sunLight

    Larkspur thrives in full sun to partial shade. The best spot for the Delphinium Magic Fountains would be an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. However, in regions with very hot summer sun, they benefit from some afternoon shade to prevent scorching. Ensure that the location is well-lit but shielded from the harsh midday sun, especially in warmer climates.

  • thermometerTemperature

    Larkspur prefers cooler temperatures with ideal growth conditions ranging between 60°F and 75°F. These plants can tolerate minimum temperatures down to 40°F and maximum temperatures up to 85°F, but excessive heat can cause stress. Ideally, they should be grown in an environment that avoids the extremes of temperature for best growth and flowering.

  • scissorsPruning

    Pruning Larkspur encourages a tidier plant and potentially a second bloom period in the season. Trim the Delphinium Magic Fountains Series back after the first round of flowering has ended to promote new growth and a second flush of flowers. This often occurs in late summer or early fall. Remove any dead or damaged stems to maintain strong, healthy growth and improve air circulation.

  • broomCleaning

    As needed

  • bambooSoil

    The Larkspur, another name for the Delphinium Magic Fountains Series, thrives in a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. A mixture containing equal parts of loamy garden soil, compost or well-rotted manure, and a handful of coarse sand or perlite will create an ideal environment for healthy growth.

  • plantRepotting

    The Larkspur generally does not require frequent repotting as it is often treated as an annual or biennial. However, if grown as a perennial, repotting every 2-3 years or when the plant has outgrown its current pot is sufficient.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    The Larkspur prefers moderate humidity conditions; avoid overly dry or extremely humid environments. Aim for a humidity level of about 50-60% for optimal growth.

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Use bright light, cool temps, and moist soil for indoor Larkspurs.

    • Outdoor

      Plant in sun to part-shade, enrich soil, moderate water.

    • Hardiness zone

      3-7 USDA

  • circleLife cycle

    The life cycle of the Magic Fountains Series Larkspur, a cultivar of Delphinium, begins with seed germination, which requires stratification to break dormancy. The seeds need cool temperatures for about 2-4 weeks before sowing, after which they germinate in well-draining soil under cool, moist conditions. Seedlings emerge and mature into rosettes of basal leaves, before sending up tall flowering spikes in late spring to early summer. Following pollination, usually by bees or butterflies attracted to their vibrant colors, the plants set seeds in late summer. The Delphinium Magic Fountains, being a perennial, may die back to the ground in winter, especially in colder climates, but will regrow from its crown the following spring. Regular deadheading encourages further blooming, and with good care, these plants can repeat their life cycle for several years.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time

      Spring to Summer

    • The most popular method for propagating Delphinium Magic Fountains, commonly known as larkspur, is by seed. Sowing should be done in late winter to early spring. Prior to sowing, seeds may benefit from a period of cold stratification, which involves chilling them in the refrigerator for about one to two weeks to simulate winter conditions and improve germination rates. Once stratified, seeds are sown on the surface of a moist, well-draining seed starting mix, as they require light to germinate. It's important to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and to provide ample light once seedlings emerge. The ideal temperature for germination is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius), and seedlings usually emerge in 14 to 21 days. Seedlings should be grown on in cooler conditions and acclimatized to outdoor temperatures before planting out after the danger of frost has passed.