Date plum Diospyros lotus

The plant commonly known as the date plum originates from southwest Asia and southeastern Europe. It bears a striking resemblance to a common persimmon in appearance but is recognized by its own distinctive characteristics. The leaves are broad, glossy, and rather leathery, forming an elegant and dense canopy with a rich green hue that can provide ample shade. These leaves are simple and arranged in an alternate fashion on the branches, with a smooth margin. As the seasons change, its foliage turns to fiery shades of yellow, red, and purple, exhibiting a vibrant autumnal display. The small, bell-shaped flowers are inconspicuous and can be creamy-white to green-yellow in color, typically hidden amongst the thick foliage. They bloom in the late spring to early summer. The most noteworthy feature of the date plum is its fruit, which inspires its common name. The fruits are small, usually about the size of a cherry, and they boast a smooth skin that matures from a light green to a golden yellow or bluish-black hue when fully ripe. The taste of the fruit is notably astringent before it fully ripens but eventually becomes pleasantly sweet, often compared to a mixture of dates and plums, as its name suggests. These fruits are edible and are enjoyed by both humans and wildlife. The plant's bark is dark and deeply furrowed, contributing to its overall aesthetic appeal.
About this plant
Date Plum, Caucasian Persimmon, Lilac Persimmon, Lotus Persimmon.
Common names
Diospyros lotus L., Diospyros vulgaris Michx., Ebenus lotus (L.) Kuntze.
To humans
The Date Plum, also known by its scientific name Diospyros lotus, is not commonly regarded as toxic to humans. This fruit-bearing tree produces edible fruits that resemble dates, and is often consumed by people without adverse effects when the fruits are ripe. However, unripe fruits can be astringent and may cause stomach irritation or discomfort due to their high tannin content. There are no well-known toxic compounds in the plant that would cause severe poisoning in humans from casual exposure or normal fruit consumption.
To pets
The Date Plum, known scientifically as Diospyros lotus, does not have a widespread reputation for being poisonous to pets. The fruits, when ripe, are typically not harmful and are actually eaten in many regions of the world. As in humans, unripe fruits may cause gastrointestinal upset in pets due to their astringency. There is no significant literature that indicates the Date Plum has severe toxic effects on pets, but as with any non-typical food, individual animals might have sensitivities or allergic reactions which could manifest in symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Care should be taken when introducing any new food to a pet's diet.
Life cycle
Foliage type
Color of leaves
Flower color
20-30 feet (6-9 meters)
15-20 feet (4.5-6 meters)
Plant type
Hardiness zones
Native area
Southwest Asia
General Benefits
- Nutritional Value: The fruit of Diospyros lotus, commonly known as the Date Plum, is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing essential nutrients.
- Dietary Fiber: Date Plums are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes gut health.
- Low-Calorie Snack: The fruit offers a low-calorie snacking option, ideal for maintaining a healthy weight.
- Aesthetic Appeal: Diospyros lotus is an ornamental tree that can enhance landscape beauty with its foliage and fruit.
- Shade Provider: As a deciduous tree, it offers shade in the summer months, which can be beneficial in garden and urban settings.
- Wildlife Support: The tree can provide food for wildlife, including birds and small mammals, which feed on its fruit.
- Cultural Significance: Date Plum has historical and cultural importance in various regions, often used in traditional foods and ceremonies.
Medical Properties
- Antioxidant activity: The fruit of Diospyros lotus has been found to contain phenolic compounds and flavonoids that exhibit antioxidant properties.
- Anti-inflammatory effects: Some studies have suggested that the plant has anti-inflammatory effects, which might be beneficial in reducing inflammation.
- Gastroprotective properties: Extracts from Diospyros lotus have been reported to protect against certain gastrointestinal issues.
- Antimicrobial properties: The plant has been traditionally used for its potential to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.
- Antidiabetic potential: Though more research is needed, there is some evidence to suggest that Diospyros lotus may help in regulating blood sugar levels.
- Analgesic effects: There is some evidence that Diospyros lotus may have pain-relieving properties.
Air-purifying Qualities
This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.
Other Uses
- Diospyros lotus wood can be used for making small turned items, such as tool handles and knobs, due to its hardness and fine grain.
- In some regions, the leaves of Diospyros lotus are used to feed silk worms, particularly those that are bred for high-quality silk production.
- The fruit of the plant, often referred to as the Caucasian persimmon or date-plum, can be fermented to make a type of fruit wine in some traditional cultures.
- Diospyros lotus seeds can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute or additive, offering a unique flavor to the brew.
- The tree's bark has been traditionally used for tanning leather due to its tannin content.
- Fruits of the date-plum can be sun-dried and stored for long periods, often used as a sweet snack or a natural sweetener in various culinary preparations.
- The dense foliage of Diospyros lotus can provide valuable shade in landscaped gardens and public parks, making it a practical ornamental tree.
- The flowers of the date-plum can serve as a nectar source for bees and other pollinating insects, supporting local ecosystems.
- The plant's resilience to various soil conditions makes it an ideal candidate for use in controlling soil erosion and reclaiming degraded lands.
- In some cultures, the wood of Diospyros lotus is valued for charcoal production due to its capacity to burn steadily and produce a consistent heat.
Interesting Facts
Feng Shui
The Date Plum is not used in Feng Shui practice.
Plant Symbolism
- Longevity: Often found in ancient texts and myths, the Date Plum (Diospyros lotus) is associated with longevity and endurance, likely due to its resilience and long-lived nature.
- Knowledge: As a tree that is known to bear fruit that improves with age, the Date Plum is sometimes linked to the accumulation of wisdom and knowledge over time.
- Prosperity: In some cultures, the fruit of Diospyros lotus represents wealth and prosperity, as fruit-bearing trees are often considered signs of abundance.
- Peace: The Date Plum's association with serene and tranquil places, like traditional gardens, imbues it with a symbolic meaning of peace and calmness.
The Date Plum should be watered deeply enough to saturate the root zone, then allowed to dry out slightly before the next watering. This plant typically requires about 1 to 1.5 gallons of water every 7 to 10 days during the growing season, although this may vary depending on climate conditions and soil type. During the winter months, you can reduce the frequency as the plant's water requirements decrease. It's important to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Ensuring proper drainage is crucial for the health of the Date Plum.
The Date Plum thrives in full sun to partial shade conditions. It is best to place the plant in a spot where it can receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Too little light can lead to poor fruiting, so ensure the plant isn't shaded by buildings or other trees during the peak sunlight hours.
The Date Plum prefers warm temperatures and does well in a range from 50°F to 85°F. It can survive minimum temperatures down to around 20°F, but growth will be hampered if the temperature drops below this point. Ideal conditions involve warm days and cool nights, which help the plant to produce the best fruit.
Pruning the Date Plum is essential to maintain a strong structure, improve airflow, and enhance fruit production. Prune the plant during late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Thin out any diseased, damaged, or overcrowded branches. The frequency of pruning generally depends on the plant's growth; annual check-ups are often sufficient.
As needed
Date Plum or Caucasian Persimmon (Diospyros lotus) thrives in well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH of 6.0 to 7.5. A blend of loam, sand, and a small amount of organic compost is ideal, ensuring adequate nutrients and proper drainage to prevent root rot.
Date Plums should be repotted every 2-3 years to prevent root-bound conditions and to replenish the soil nutrients. This routine can also be adjusted based on the growth rate and health of the individual plant.
Humidity & Misting
Date Plum prefers moderate humidity levels, generally around 40% to 60%. It can tolerate some variation in humidity but should not be subjected to prolonged dry air conditions, as this can affect its foliage and overall health.
Suitable locations
Provide bright, indirect light and keep soil moderately moist.
Place in full sun to partial shade, protect from strong winds.
Hardiness zone
6-9 USDA
Life cycle
The life of Diospyros lotus, commonly known as the Date Plum, begins with seed germination, which requires exposure to cold temperatures to break dormancy. Once germinated, the seedling grows into a young sapling, developing a taproot and foliage. As it matures, the Date Plum tree develops a sturdy trunk and branching structure, bearing simple, ovate leaves. Flowering occurs in the summer, with the plant producing small, inconspicuous, yellowish flowers; some trees are male and others are female with some having both types of flowers. After pollination, typically by insects, female trees produce the edible fruit, which ripens to a yellow or bluish-black color. The Date Plum tree completes its life cycle by dropping fruit that contains seeds, which may be dispersed by animals or gravity, giving rise to the next generation of trees.
Propogation time
Spring to Summer
The most popular method for propagating the Date Plum, scientifically known as Diospyros lotus, is by seed. To begin, collect seeds from ripe fruits typically in late summer or early fall. Wash the seeds to remove any pulp, which can prevent germination due to the presence of growth inhibitors. Stratify the seeds by mixing them with moist sand and storing them in a cool place at approximately 39 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) for 60 to 90 days. This simulates winter conditions and helps break the seed dormancy. After stratification, plant the seeds about half an inch deep (1.27 centimeters) in a well-draining soil mix. Provide consistent moisture and warmth, with temperatures around 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 30 degrees Celsius), and the seeds will typically germinate within one to two months. Once seedlings have become strong enough, they can be transferred to individual pots or their permanent location in the garden.