Japanese Anemone Anemone × hybrida 'Montrose'

☠ Toxic to humans
🐾 Toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Not edible
‍🌱 Easy-care
Japanese anemone 'Montrose'


The Anemone 'Montrose' typically features a spray of elegant blooms, each comprising several rounded petals that radiate out from a central cluster of conspicuous yellow stamens, creating a delightful contrast. The petals usually have a soft, satiny sheen and can be found in a variety of hues, ranging from pastel tones to more vivid colors, depending on the specific variety. The flowers are carried above the foliage on wiry, branched stems, giving them a gentle, bobbing movement in the breeze. The foliage of Anemone 'Montrose' is equally attractive, forming a lush mound of deeply-divided leaves. These leaves are often dark green, offering a rich backdrop for the delicate flowers. The plant spreads through underground runners, creating a clump-forming habit which contributes to its bushy, yet graceful appearance. Overall, Anemone 'Montrose' exudes a cottage-garden charm, with its dainty flowers dancing atop the verdant foliage, providing a romantic touch to any garden setting. Its appearance changes throughout the seasons, with the fresh, green growth of spring and early summer followed by the vibrant bloom show in late summer to fall, after which the plant dies back for winter.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Montrose Japanese Anemone, Montrose Windflower

    • Common names

      Anemone × hybrida 'Montrose'.

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      The Japanese Anemone may contain irritants such as protoanemonin which can cause skin irritation in some people. If parts of the plant are ingested, it may lead to mild mouth and throat irritation, stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting. Handling the plant can sometimes cause dermatitis, so it's wise to wear gloves when dealing with it, especially for those with sensitive skin.

    • To pets

      The Japanese Anemone is also considered toxic to pets. If ingested by a dog or cat, it can cause mouth and throat irritation, possible dermatitis, and gastrointestinal upset including vomiting and diarrhea. Since the plant contains irritants, pets should be kept away from it to prevent any possible discomfort or illness.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      2-3 feet (60-90 cm)

    • Spread

      2 feet (60 cm)

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Aesthetic Appeal: Anemone × hybrida 'Montrose', also known as Japanese anemone, has graceful flowers that enhance the beauty of gardens and landscapes.
    • Attracts Pollinators: Its blooms attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects that pollinate plants and contribute to a healthy ecosystem.
    • Seasonal Interest: Japanese anemones bloom from late summer into fall, providing color and interest in the garden when many other plants are fading.
    • Easy to Grow: They are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of soil conditions, though they prefer well-drained soil.
    • Drought Tolerance: Once established, Japanese anemones have moderate drought tolerance, making them suitable for gardens with less frequent watering.
    • Versatility: They can be used in various garden designs, including borders, cottage gardens, and woodland settings.
    • Low Maintenance: Japanese anemones require minimal upkeep beyond the occasional watering and deadheading to promote further blooming.
    • Spreads Easily: They can spread through rhizomes, gradually creating a larger display each year without the need for replanting.
    • Wildlife Shelter: The foliage and dense growth habit can provide shelter for small wildlife, enhancing biodiversity.
    • Long Bloom Period: With a longer blooming season, they provide extended visual interest and support for pollinators well into autumn.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    This plant is not used for medical purposes.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

  • leavesOther Uses

    • Anemone × hybrida 'Montrose', commonly known as the Japanese anemone, can be used as a natural ink or dye. The petals contain pigments that, when boiled, can create a delicate pink color suitable for fabric dyeing.
    • The Japanese anemone's sturdy stems can be used in basket-weaving crafts. Their flexibility when young allows them to be woven into intricate patterns when dried properly.
    • These flowers can be pressed and used in botanical art pieces. Artisans can preserve the beauty of Japanese anemones by pressing the flowers and incorporating them into paper goods or framed art.
    • The dried seed heads of the Japanese anemone provide an intriguing aesthetic in dry flower arrangements, adding a unique texture and shape.
    • Japanese anemone petals can serve as a natural confetti for weddings and celebrations, providing a biodegradable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper confetti.
    • Gardeners might use the plant as a living mulch. The dense foliage of the Japanese anemone can help suppress weeds and retain soil moisture when used as ground cover.
    • The used parts of the Japanese anemone, such as spent flowers and pruned leaves, can be composted to create nutrient-rich organic matter for garden beds.
    • Beekeepers might value the Japanese anemone in their gardens as a late-season nectar source for bees, supporting the local ecosystem.
    • Japanese anemones can be used in educational settings for botanical studies, helping students learn about plant biology and the lifecycle of perennials.
    • The plant can also play a role in natural pest management. The Japanese anemone can potentially attract predatory insects that help control pest populations in the garden.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    The Japanese anemone is not used in Feng Shui practice.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    The Japanese anemone is not used in astrology practice.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    • Anticipation and Expectation: The anemone in general symbolizes anticipation due to its flowering pattern of closing at night and opening up with the morning light.
    • Fading Hope and a Feeling of Being Forsaken: With its delicate blossoms that seem to fade quickly, the anemone can represent a sense of loss or the feeling of being left behind.
    • Protection Against Evil: In some cultures, anemones are believed to ward off evil spirits and ill-intent, stemming from its mythological associations.
    • Death and the Departed: Because of its connection to the death of Adonis in Greek mythology, anemones sometimes symbolize the death of a loved one and the sorrow of separation.

Every 2 weeks
2500 - 10000 Lux
Every 2-3 years
Late summer to autumn
As needed
  • water dropWater

    Japanese Anemone should be watered deeply once a week, ensuring that the soil is moist but not waterlogged. During the growing season, increase watering to twice a week especially if the weather is particularly dry or hot. Provide approximately 1 to 1.5 gallons per plant for each watering session, adjusting as needed depending on rainfall and soil conditions. It's crucial to avoid overhead watering to prevent fungal diseases; instead, water at the base of the plant. In the winter, reduce watering, but do not allow the soil to completely dry out.

  • sunLight

    Japanese Anemone thrives best in partial shade, though it can tolerate full sun in cooler climates. Ideally, situate the plant in a spot that receives morning sunlight and afternoon shade to protect it from the intense heat of the day. Avoid deep shade, as too little light can lead to poor flowering and a leggy growth habit.

  • thermometerTemperature

    Japanese Anemone prefers a temperate climate and can generally tolerate temperatures down to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit but may be damaged by prolonged exposure to temperatures below this range. The ideal growing temperatures are between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important to protect the plant from harsh winter winds and extreme heat above 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • scissorsPruning

    Pruning Japanese Anemone helps maintain its shape and encourage more robust flowering. Cut back the spent flowers after blooming to promote further blooming and tidy up the plant. In late fall or early spring, prune back the dead foliage to the ground to prepare the plant for new growth. Pruning once a year is usually adequate, and the best time for a thorough pruning is in the spring just as new shoots appear.

  • broomCleaning

    As needed

  • bambooSoil

    Japanese Anemone 'Montrose' thrives in well-draining soil with plenty of organic matter. A mix containing equal parts of garden loam, peat moss, and perlite or coarse sand is ideal. The soil pH should be slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, ranging from 6.0 to 7.5.

  • plantRepotting

    Japanese Anemones, including the 'Montrose' variety, typically do not need frequent repotting as they are perennial plants. They should be divided or repotted every 3-5 years to maintain vigor and prevent overcrowding.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    Japanese Anemone 'Montrose' grows best in environments with average humidity levels. It does not require any special humidity considerations beyond typical outdoor conditions.

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Place in bright, indirect light with consistent moisture.

    • Outdoor

      Full sun to part shade; mulch and protect in winter.

    • Hardiness zone

      4-8 USDA

  • circleLife cycle

    Japanese anemone 'Montrose' begins its life cycle with seed germination, typically occurring in the spring when soil temperatures warm. After germination, the seedlings develop into young plants with a rosette of leaves at the soil surface. As the plant matures, it forms a clump with deep roots and sends up tall stems that produce distinctive flowers, usually from late summer into fall. The flowers are followed by seed heads that, if not deadheaded, will release seeds to propagate the next generation. During winter, the plant goes dormant, with foliage dying back, and relies on its underground root system to survive until the next spring. Every year, this perennial plant resurfaces from its roots to repeat its growth cycle.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time

      Late summer to autumn

    • Propogation: The Japanese anemone 'Montrose' is best propagated by division, which should preferably be done in the spring or fall. To propagate by division, carefully dig up the plant and separate it into smaller clumps, ensuring that each new clump has at least a couple of growth buds. These divisions should be replanted at the same depth they were originally growing and spaced about 18 inches (approximately 46 centimeters) apart. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged to help the new divisions establish. This method allows the plant to recover from the division during the cooler parts of the year and supports vigorous growth when the temperatures rise.