Rose Rosa 'Betty Sherriff' (Ra)

👤 Non-toxic to humans
🐾 Non-toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Edible
‍🌱 Hard-care
rose 'Betty Sherriff'


The Rosa 'Betty Sherriff' is a cultivated variety of rose characterized by its unique and vibrant flowers. The blooms of this plant are typically rich in color, often featuring shades that may range from deep pinks to crimson or even a burgundy hue. The petals are numerous and may have a velvety texture, creating a lush and full appearance for each flower. These roses commonly have a layered look as the petals are arranged in a way that they overlap, often forming a traditional cupped or rosette shape. The foliage of the 'Betty Sherriff' rose is generally dark green, offering a striking contrast with the brightness of the flowers. The leaves are glossy, which adds to the plant's overall luster and appeal. Each leaflet is commonly shaped with a serrated edge, which is typical of rose plants. Supporting the flowers and foliage are the stems, which are robust and can bear the weight of the blooms. The stems might also have thorns, which serve as protection for the plant. During its blooming period, this rose variety can become a center of attraction due to its showy flowers that exude a lovely fragrance, contributing to the sensory delight of any garden space where it's planted.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Betty Sherriff Rose

    • Common names

      Rosa 'Betty Sherriff' (Ra)

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      Roses, which include Rosa 'Betty Sherriff', are not considered toxic to humans. They are not known to contain any substances that are harmful when ingested in small quantities. However, the plant can cause mechanical injury due to its thorns if not handled properly.

    • To pets

      Roses, which include Rosa 'Betty Sherriff', are generally not toxic to pets. They do not contain substances that are known to be toxic to dogs or cats when ingested. However, similar to humans, the thorns can cause mechanical injury to pets if they try to chew on the stems.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      4 feet (1.2 meters)

    • Spread

      3 feet (0.9 meters)

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Ornamental Appeal: Adds aesthetic value to gardens with its striking flowers.
    • Pollinator Attraction: Invites bees and other pollinators, supporting local ecosystems.
    • Fragrance: Offers a pleasant scent, enhancing the sensory experience of a garden.
    • Cut Flowers: Suitable for bouquets and floral arrangements due to its beautiful blooms.
    • Habitat Enrichment: Provides shelter and food for wildlife, including birds and insects.
    • Seasonal Interest: Offers visual interest across seasons with blooming cycles and foliage changes.
    • Diversity: Contributes to the biodiversity of garden spaces with its unique characteristics.
    • Emotional Well-being: The beauty and fragrance of roses are known to have a positive effect on mood and stress reduction.
    • Cultural Significance: Roses have historical importance and are often associated with love, beauty, and celebration.
    • Hardiness: Known to be resilient and can thrive in various climates with proper care.
    • Ease of Propagation: Can be propagated relatively easily from cuttings, allowing gardeners to expand their collection.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    This plant is not used for medical purposes.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

  • leavesOther Uses

    • Culinary Garnish: Petals of the rose can be used to add a splash of color and mild, floral flavor to desserts or salads.
    • Natural Fabric Dye: The petals of the rose can be used in creating natural dyes for coloring fabrics with hues of pink and red.
    • Bath Additive: Rose petals can be added to bathwater or homemade bath bombs for a luxurious, fragrant bathing experience.
    • Aromatherapy: Dried petals can be included in potpourri or sachets to create a soothing and pleasant aroma in the home.
    • Craft Material: Rose petals can be incorporated into homemade paper or used in floral displays and other decorative arts.
    • Rose Water: The petals can be distilled to make rose water which can be used in various culinary applications and as a natural skin toner.
    • Biodegradable Confetti: Dried rose petals are a biodegradable option for confetti at weddings or celebrations.
    • Bookmark Decoration: Laminated rose petals can be used as a decorative element in creating unique and personal bookmarks.
    • Edible Decoration: Candied rose petals can be used to decorate cakes and pastries, offering an edible and elegant embellishment.
    • Floral Ice Cubes: Fresh rose petals can be frozen into ice cubes, creating an elegant touch for drinks at special occasions.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    The rose is used in Feng Shui to boost love and romance luck, typically placed in the southwest corner of a garden or room to invite positive relationships and maintain harmony.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    The rose is not used in astrology practice.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    • Love: As a variety of rose, the Rosa 'Betty Sherriff' carries the universal symbolism of love. Roses are often associated with deep affection and are commonly given as a expression of romantic intentions.
    • Beauty: Roses are widely recognized as a symbol of beauty due to their elegant form and often vibrant colors. The Rosa 'Betty Sherriff' is no exception and is appreciated for its aesthetic appeal.
    • Honor: Giving someone a rose is a way to show respect or honor. It signals admiration for the person's virtues or accomplishments.
    • Devotion: The rose exemplifies commitment and devotion, making it a fitting gift for someone to who one wishes to show loyalty or deep emotional investment.
    • Secrecy: Historically, roses have been symbols of secrecy. The term "sub rosa" or "under the rose" indicates confidentiality and derives from the practice of hanging roses above meeting places in ancient times as a sign that everything said was to remain secret.

Every 1-2 weeks
2500 - 10000 Lux
Every 2-3 years
Spring-Early Summer
As needed
  • water dropWater

    For the Betty Sherriff rose, it is crucial to maintain moist but not waterlogged soil, especially during its growing season in spring and summer. Watering frequency should be adjusted to weekly, aiming for about 1 gallon per plant, depending on weather conditions and soil type. During hot, dry periods, more frequent watering may be necessary, possibly every 3-4 days. Ensure the water is directed at the base of the plant to avoid wetting the foliage, which can lead to fungal diseases. In the winter, reduce watering since the plant requires less moisture when dormant.

  • sunLight

    The Betty Sherriff rose thrives in a location that provides full sun, meaning it should receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. A spot where it can enjoy morning sunlight and some partial shade in the afternoon during the hottest part of the day is ideal. Avoid overly shady areas as roses need good sunlight for optimal growth and bloom production.

  • thermometerTemperature

    The Betty Sherriff rose does well in a wide range of temperatures but prefers a temperate climate. It can survive in temperatures as low as 20°F but needs protection from harsh winter winds and extreme cold. The optimum growing temperature lies between 65°F to 75°F. During hot summer days, temperatures above 90°F might stress the plant, necessitating additional care like mulching and watering.

  • scissorsPruning

    Pruning the Betty Sherriff rose is necessary to promote healthy growth, increase air circulation, and encourage prolific flowering. Prune in the late winter or early spring when new buds begin to swell. Remove dead, damaged, or crossing branches and cut back about a third of the previous year's growth to stimulate fresh blooms. Repeat-blooming varieties may benefit from deadheading throughout the blooming season to encourage more flowers.

  • broomCleaning

    As needed

  • bambooSoil

    Roses like Betty Sherriff prefer well-draining, rich soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0. A mix of loamy soil with compost and aged manure, supplemented with bone meal for phosphorus can promote healthy growth. Regular mulching helps retain soil moisture and adds nutrients over time.

  • plantRepotting

    Roses like Betty Sherriff generally don't need frequent repotting and are typically planted in the ground. If grown in containers, they should be repotted every 2 to 3 years or when they outgrow their current pot, using fresh soil mix to prevent compacting and to replenish nutrients.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    Roses like Betty Sherriff thrive best in moderate humidity levels. They are outdoor plants not requiring specific humidity considerations, as the ambient outdoor environment usually provides enough moisture through the air and soil.

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Provide bright light, adequate water, and air circulation.

    • Outdoor

      Plant in full sun, ensure good drainage, and space for air flow.

    • Hardiness zone

      5-9 USDA

  • circleLife cycle

    The Rosa 'Betty Sherriff', commonly known as a type of rose, begins its life cycle with seed germination, which requires well-drained soil and often a period of stratification to break dormancy. Once the seedling emerges, it enters a vegetative growth stage, developing leaves and stems and establishing a root system. As the rose matures, it reaches the flowering stage, producing buds that bloom into characteristic roses known for their beauty and fragrance. After pollination, typically involving insects like bees, the flowers develop into fruits called hips, which contain seeds for the next generation. In the fall, the plant begins to go dormant, conserving energy by shedding leaves and slowing growth. Throughout its life cycle, the rose plant may undergo pruning and deadheading by gardeners to encourage healthier growth and more abundant flowering.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time

      Spring-Early Summer

    • Rosa 'Betty Sherriff', commonly known as a variety of rose, is commonly propagated through methods such as cuttings, budding, and grafting, but the most popular among these is the use of cuttings. To propagate roses from cuttings, the best time is typically in late spring or early summer when the plant's growth is active, yet the temperatures aren't excessively hot. Select a healthy stem that has recently bloomed and cut a piece about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) long. Ideally, the stem should include at least three sets of leaves. The bottom cut should be made at a 45-degree angle just below a leaf node, and the top cut straight across just above a node. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting to avoid excess moisture loss and dip the cut end into rooting hormone to encourage root development. The prepared cutting should then be placed in a pot filled with a mix of half peat and half perlite or sand, ensuring at least two nodes are buried where roots are to form. Keep the cutting in a humid environment and maintain consistent moisture until roots have developed, which typically takes several weeks.