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Why PLNT's AI-Assistant is a must-have for plant owners
Why PLNT's AI-Assistant is a must-have for plant owners
Technology doesn't stand still and now we can use it for our gardening purposes. To do this we need just 3 simple things: the PLNT app, Internet access and AI-Assistant.What is AI-Assistant? It is your personal advisor and gardening expert that i
Creating a garden around tree bases
Creating a garden around tree bases
Pairing plants with trees can create a beautiful and harmonious landscape design. Yet, not all plants are suitable for growing together, especially in shaded areas beneath dense canopies. Flowers and plants that typically thrive in sunlight may strug
How to ferment your own herbal tea
How to ferment your own herbal tea
Recently, fermented tea has been gaining popularity among those who enjoy indulging in a flavorful herbal brew. This unique beverage stands out from traditional herbal teas due to a process called fermentation. This chemical reaction transforms prote
Ways of storing herbs + 3 must-try dressing recipes
Ways of storing herbs + 3 must-try dressing recipes
When it comes to preserving the freshness and flavor of herbs, proper storage is key. Here are effective methods to keep your herbs vibrant and aromatic for longer periods. Before diving into these techniques, it's essential to prepare your herbs
The gardener's guide to strengthening plant immunity
The gardener's guide to strengthening plant immunity
In the quest for a thriving garden, the immunity of plants plays a pivotal role. Just as a strong immune system in humans wards off illnesses, robust plant immunity can fend off diseases, pests, and environmental stresses, ensuring healthy growth and
Transform your windowsill into a mini-garden
Transform your windowsill into a mini-garden
As the growing season unfolds, nature bursts into life, with greenery sprouting and flourishing everywhere. Many of us look on with envy at those who can cultivate their own produce, enjoying the freshness and natural goodness of a harvest right from
Composting made simple: A real-world guide
Composting made simple: A real-world guide
Composting is an age-old method that transforms organic waste into a rich soil amendment known as compost. Through this natural process, organic materials decompose into a soil-like mass, termed 'humus,' which serves as a vital nutrient sourc
What no one tells you about planting these flowers
What no one tells you about planting these flowers
Gardening is a beautiful and rewarding hobby, but it can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to growing flowers. The good news is, not all flowers require the meticulous process of starting seeds indoors and then transplanting them
Tips for keeping cut flowers fresh
Tips for keeping cut flowers fresh
Receiving a bouquet of flowers is a timeless gesture that brings joy and adds a splash of color to our lives. Whether it's a surprise gift from someone special, a celebration of a memorable occasion, a treat we give to ourselves, or even the simp
Green walls: Crafting your own living wall at home
Green walls: Crafting your own living wall at home
Imagine transforming a bare, lifeless wall into a vibrant tapestry of greenery. This is the essence of green walls, an innovative and aesthetic concept that merges nature with architecture. Green walls, also known as living walls, are vertical struct
Revitalizing your indoor garden
Revitalizing your indoor garden
As spring arrives, bringing with it longer days and warmer temperatures, it's a crucial time for plant lovers to reassess and update their indoor plant care routine. The transition from winter to spring marks a significant shift not only in our s
Mastering the art of houseplant propagation
Mastering the art of houseplant propagation
The art of propagating houseplants is a fascinating and rewarding aspect of indoor gardening. It allows gardeners to create new plants from their existing favorites, often with minimal effort and expense. Whether you're looking to expand your col
Repotting: A fresh start for houseplants
Repotting: A fresh start for houseplants
Spring brings a sense of renewal, not just outdoors but also within our homes, making it the ideal time for repotting houseplants. This season aligns perfectly with the natural growth cycle of plants, emerging from winter's dormancy into the vigo
Zodiac signs and their perfect plant partners
Zodiac signs and their perfect plant partners
The universe has a funny way of connecting us to nature, and that connection even extends to our zodiac signs. Just as our personalities are influenced by the stars, our plant preferences can also be guided by the cosmos. In this whimsical journey th
Lighting for plants: Understanding all aspects
Lighting for plants: Understanding all aspects
When it comes to gardening, whether indoor or outdoor, one crucial element that can't be overlooked is lighting. Light plays a pivotal role in the process of photosynthesis, the method by which plants convert light into energy. Understanding the