Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue/early Pink = 'Hba 202911' (PBR) (H)
Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue, commonly known as Bigleaf Hydrangea, presents with a striking display of large, rounded flower heads that are known for their unique ability to change color from deep blue to pink, depending on the acidity of the soil in which they are planted. These blossoms consist of numerous small, tightly packed flowers that can bloom in shades ranging from the softest pastels to the most vivid hues. The foliage of the Bigleaf Hydrangea is similarly attractive, with broad, green leaves that have a lush, glossy finish and a slightly serrated edge. The texture of the leaves adds to the ornamental value of the shrub, creating a dense backdrop that further accentuates the beauty of the flower clusters. This hydrangea variety showcases a rich, continuous display throughout its blooming season, with the flowers emerging in shades of blue in acidic soils and transitioning to pink in more alkaline conditions. The blossoms are generously dotted across the plant, creating a full, robust look that can bring a lively burst of color to any garden.
About this plant
- Names
Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea, Lacecap Hydrangea, Mophead Hydrangea, Penny Mac, Hortensia.
Common names
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hba 202911'.
- Toxicity
To humans
The common name for Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue/Early Pink is simply Hydrangea. Hydrangeas are considered to have a low level of toxicity to humans when ingested. If someone eats a large enough quantity of plant material, particularly the leaves and buds, they may experience gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Cyanogenic glycosides found in the plant can also potentially release cyanide in the body, but significant poisoning is rare due to the small quantities present in the plant.
To pets
In pets, Hydrangeas, including the Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue/Early Pink variant, can be toxic when ingested. The plant contains cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide in the body and lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. In large enough doses, ingestion could potentially result in more severe symptoms such as depression, hyperventilation, and increased heart rate. Pets that consume Hydrangea should be monitored closely and a veterinarian should be consulted for appropriate care.
- Characteristics
Life cycle
Foliage type
Color of leaves
Flower color
4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 meters)
4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 meters)
Plant type
Hardiness zones
Native area
- General Benefits
- Aesthetic Value: Hydrangea macrophylla adds a visual appeal to gardens and landscapes with its large, showy blooms that come in shades of blue or pink depending on the soil pH.
- Seasonal Interest: This cultivar provides seasonal interest with its flowers blooming in early spring and lasting into the summer, sometimes with a second bloom in autumn.
- Adaptable to Containers: It is suitable for container gardening, allowing those with limited space to enjoy its beauty on patios, balconies, or terraces.
- Garden Versatility: The plant can be used in various garden designs, including borders, foundation plantings, and as a specimen or focal point in the garden.
- Attracts Pollinators: Hydrangea macrophylla serves as an attractant for pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which are beneficial for the health of the garden and local ecosystems.
- Medical Properties
This plant is not used for medical purposes.
- Air-purifying Qualities
This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.
- Other Uses
- Hydrangeas can be used for crafting unique jewelry, such as pressing the flowers to create delicate pieces like earrings, necklaces, or bracelets.
- With their large, colorful blooms, hydrangeas can be used as natural dyes for fabrics, offering hues from pale pink to vibrant blue depending on the soil pH.
- They can serve as inspiration for artists and designers looking to capture the beauty of these flowers in their paintings, textile patterns, or other artistic creations.
- The blooms can be dried and arranged into long-lasting wreaths or other decorative items for the home.
- Hydrangea petals can be used to create a luxurious, fragrant bath by adding them to bathwater for a spa-like experience at home.
- Brides might choose to incorporate hydrangea flowers into their wedding decor, using them for flower arches, centerpieces, or even as a theme for the event.
- The wood from hydrangea shrubs can be fashioned into small, decorative items or used for smoking meats to add a unique flavor.
- To celebrate the first day of summer, some cultures use hydrangeas to adorn floats and costumes in parades and festivals.
- In culinary arts, sugared hydrangea petals may decorate desserts, although they are not widely recognized as being edible and should be used with caution.
- For photographers, hydrangeas provide a picturesque backdrop or subject matter due to their lush, voluminous appearance and variety of colors.
Interesting Facts
- Feng Shui
The Hydrangea is not used in Feng Shui practice.
- Zodiac Sign Compitability
The Hydrangea is not used in astrology practice.
- Plant Symbolism
- Heartfelt and sincere emotions: The hydrangea is often associated with expressing genuine emotion due to its lush and abundant flower heads.
- Gratitude: It's a common symbol for expressing thanks, making it a popular gift in some cultures.
- Understanding: The hydrangea can represent a deep understanding between people, often used to mend fences or to thank someone for their support.
- Apology: In Japan, hydrangeas are linked to apologies or the desire to turn a new leaf in relationships due to an emperor who used them to apologize to his maidens for neglecting them.
- Boastfulness or Vanity: This stems from the Victorian era when flowers were used to convey messages, and hydrangeas were sometimes seen to symbolize boastfulness due to their showy nature.
- Fourth Wedding Anniversary: Hydrangeas are traditionally given on the fourth wedding anniversary to symbolize appreciation and lasting gratitude.
- Water
The Bigleaf Hydrangea should be watered deeply and thoroughly, ensuring the soil is moist but not saturated. During the growing season, watering once or twice a week is generally sufficient. The actual amount of water needed depends on the climate and soil conditions, but aiming for about 1 gallon per plant during each watering session can be a good rule of thumb. Adjust watering frequency to account for rainfall and avoid waterlogging the soil. During hot spells or dry periods, increase watering to maintain soil moisture, but always check the soil before adding more water to prevent overwatering.
- Light
Bigleaf Hydrangeas flourish best in partial shade with morning sun and afternoon dappled or light shade. Protecting the plant from harsh afternoon sunlight will prevent leaf scorch and fading of the blooms. An ideal spot would be an east or north-facing location where it can enjoy some gentle morning light without the intense heat of the day.
- Temperature
Bigleaf Hydrangeas prefer a temperate climate with temperatures ranging ideally between 65°F and 75°F. These plants can generally tolerate a minimum temperature of around 50°F and a maximum of 85°F, but extreme temperatures on either end can stress the plant. For optimal growth and bloom, maintain as close to the ideal temperature range as possible and protect the plant from frost and intense heat.
- Pruning
Pruning Bigleaf Hydrangeas promotes healthy growth and improves flowering. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth begins, removing dead or weak stems and cutting back the oldest stems to encourage new, vigorous growth. Prune just above a set of healthy buds. Since these hydrangeas bloom on old wood, avoid heavy pruning or you risk cutting off the next season's flowers.
- Cleaning
As needed
- Soil
The best soil mix for Hydrangea macrophylla, commonly known as Bigleaf Hydrangea, should be rich, moist, well-draining, and contain organic matter. A mixture of garden soil, peat moss, and perlite or compost is ideal. The soil pH should be around 5.5 for blue flowers and 6.5 for pink flowers, as the pH affects the bloom color.
- Repotting
Bigleaf Hydrangeas should be repotted when they outgrow their current container, which is typically every 2-3 years. Choose a pot that is just slightly larger than the previous one to ensure proper growth.
- Humidity & Misting
Bigleaf Hydrangeas thrive best with moderate to high humidity levels. Aim to maintain humidity around 60% for optimal growth as these plants do well in a more humid environment.
- Suitable locations
Place Bigleaf Hydrangea in bright, indirect light and keep soil moist.
Plant in partial shade with shelter from harsh sun and winds.
Hardiness zone
5-9 USDA
- Life cycle
The Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue/Early Pink, commonly known as Bigleaf Hydrangea, begins its life as a dormant, bare-root plant or as a young plant in container nursery production. Upon planting, it enters a vegetative growth stage where it develops a robust root system and lush foliage through spring. In late spring to early summer, it transitions to the reproductive stage where it produces large, showy flower heads that can be blue or pink depending on soil pH. Throughout summer, the flowers mature and can persist on the plant, often aging to a vintage hue. As fall approaches, the plant's growth slows and it starts to prepare for dormancy; leaves may yellow and drop. Finally, during winter, the Bigleaf Hydrangea becomes dormant, conserving energy until the cycle restarts with new growth in the following spring.
- Propogation
Propogation time
Spring-Early Summer
The most popular method of propagation for the Hydrangea macrophylla 'Early Blue'/'Early Pink', commonly known as Bigleaf Hydrangea, is by softwood cuttings. This technique is best performed in late spring or early summer when the plant's new growth is still tender. To propagate by softwood cuttings, a gardener should cut a 4 to 6 inch (approximately 10 to 15 cm) length of healthy new growth, strip the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting, and dip the cut end into a rooting hormone. The cutting should then be placed in a well-draining soil mixture and kept consistently moist but not waterlogged, ensuring a high humidity environment if possible with partial sunlight. Roots typically develop within a few weeks, after which the new plant can eventually be transplanted outdoors once it has established a strong root system and new growth is evident.