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Getting your garden ready for winter: To-do list
Getting your garden ready for winter: To-do list
Here comes fall, a season that can be both loved and hated (as our gardens go into hibernation phase). And it may seem like there's not much gardening to do, but don't rush to that conclusion because there's still plenty of work to be don
Garden ideas to spark your imagination
Garden ideas to spark your imagination
The garden is the part of the home that holds the power to captivate and enchant observers. Landscaping your garden to reflect the essence of your home and personal style is the perfect way to leave a lasting impression on visitors.In this article, w
Pet-friendly garden: Tips on how to prevent your pets and your plants
Pet-friendly garden: Tips on how to prevent your pets and your plants
Gardens are wonderful spaces for both humans and pets to enjoy. They provide a chance to connect with nature, exercise, and relax. However, it's important to consider the safety and well-being of our furry friends when designing and maintaining a
Storing freshly harvested summer produce
Storing freshly harvested summer produce
As we reach the halfway point of summer, we find ourselves in a critical stage of the growing season. While some crops have already finished fruiting, others are on the cusp of reaching their harvest-ready state. As dedicated gardeners, we understand
Creating beautiful and functional straw beds
Creating beautiful and functional straw beds
Straw beds, these are one of the variants of raised beds, offer a sustainable approach to landscaping. These versatile structures not only add visual appeal to your outdoor space but also provide a practical solution for growing a variety of plants.
No-dig gardening: A new concept in ecological farming
No-dig gardening: A new concept in ecological farming
The age-old practice of digging the soil before planting a new crop, deeply ingrained in many gardeners, is being reconsidered with the rise of no-dig gardening. This eco-friendly approach is a sustainable, low-impact method that allows nature to car
List of basic gardening tools: From must-haves to handy helpers
List of basic gardening tools: From must-haves to handy helpers
Gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling hobby that allows us to connect with nature and nurture the beauty around us. To embark on this green journey, it is important to equip yourself with the right tools. In this article, we will explore the top 15
Conquering common garden pests: Effective strategies for a thriving garden
Conquering common garden pests: Effective strategies for a thriving garden
Perhaps every gardener has encountered the issue of pests at some point. If you haven't come across this problem, you're either extremely fortunate or just starting out. That's why we have compiled a list of the 4 most common garden pests
The basic rules of watering. Don't let your plants dry out
The basic rules of watering. Don't let your plants dry out
It's no secret that plants require water to grow. Most gardeners are aware that it's best to water in the morning or evening with warm water. However, there are situations where this may not be possible. Therefore, we aim to provide you with
Last-minute planting: List of plants to plant in June
Last-minute planting: List of plants to plant in June
As planting time is quickly coming to a close, you might be wondering if there's anything left to sow in your garden. Well, fear not! Even in early summer, there are still plenty of options available for you to plant and enjoy a bountiful harvest
Companion planting: In sync with nature
Companion planting: In sync with nature
Everyone who has a garden or vegetable garden has undoubtedly encountered the frustrating problem of pests. If left unaddressed, these pests can not only result in a ruined harvest but also cause significant damage to your plants.When the situation b
Garden with wings: How to attract more butterflies
Garden with wings: How to attract more butterflies
Butterflies are both beautiful and beneficial insects. They not only provide an enjoyable sight but also play a crucial role as pollinators, enhancing the growth of your garden in a natural way.If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, you n
The key principles of an easy-care lawn
The key principles of an easy-care lawn
If you're new to sowing, growing, and caring for lawns, there's a high chance you'll make a lot of mistakes. It's easy to make them, but fixing them can take a lot of time and effort. To avoid them, read this article to learn how to c
To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question
To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question
As forward-thinking gardeners, it's common to ponder the question: to mulch or not to mulch? And if so, what materials should I use? It's important to take into account both the benefits and drawbacks of this technique in order to safeguard y
From trash to treasure. Composting for beginners
From trash to treasure. Composting for beginners
Every plant grows better in fertilized soil. Compost is one of the most available and widely used fertilizers for gardens and vegetable patches, and its popularity as a fertilization method is on the rise with every passing season. Many who have trie