Dwarf Chinese Astilbe Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade'

👤 Non-toxic to humans
🐾 Non-toxic to pets
🌸 Blooming
🍪 Not edible
‍🌱 Easy-care
dwarf Chinese astilbe 'Serenade'


Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade', commonly known as Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade', is a perennial plant valued for its lush foliage and feathery flower plumes. The plant features a mound of deeply-cut, fern-like leaves that are a rich green in color, which forms an attractive, textured backdrop for its blooming display. The flowers, appearing atop sturdy stems above the foliage, are composed of numerous tiny blooms densely packed into narrow plumes that gracefully arch or nod. These plumes are a soft pink to lilac in color and have a delicate appearance, giving them an airy and whimsical quality in the garden. As they mature through the blooming season, the flowers may fade to a lighter shade, lending a sense of subtle color change to the planting area. The overall impression of Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade' is one of gentle beauty, with the combination of its fine-textured leaves and pastel floral hues creating a serene visual effect in the landscape.

Plant Info
Common Problems

About this plant

  • memoNames

    • Family


    • Synonyms

      Chinese Astilbe, Dwarf Chinese Astilbe, Dwarf False Goat's Beard, Pumila Astilbe

    • Common names

      Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade'.

  • skullToxicity

    • To humans

      Astilbe, the common name of Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade', is generally not considered toxic to humans. There are no well-documented cases of poisoning from consuming or handling this plant. Therefore, ingestion of the Astilbe plant is unlikely to cause any significant symptoms of poisoning or adverse health consequences to humans.

    • To pets

      Astilbe, also known to pet owners as the Astilbe plant, is not toxic to cats or dogs. There are no reported symptoms of poisoning because the plant is considered non-toxic to pets. This means that ingestion of any part of the Astilbe plant should not cause any serious health issues in pets. However, as with any non-food item, ingestion of large amounts may cause mild gastrointestinal upset simply due to the nature of the material being ingested.

  • infoCharacteristics

    • Life cycle


    • Foliage type


    • Color of leaves


    • Flower color


    • Height

      8 inches (20 centimeters)

    • Spread

      12 inches (30 centimeters)

    • Plant type


    • Hardiness zones


    • Native area



  • money-bagGeneral Benefits

    • Low Maintenance: Astilbe 'Serenade' requires minimal care once established, making it ideal for busy gardeners.
    • Drought Tolerance: Once established, it has a good level of drought tolerance for a perennial plant.
    • Attracts Pollinators: The flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, promoting biodiversity.
    • Shade Tolerance: It thrives in partial to full shade, making it a great choice for shaded gardens.
    • Deer Resistant: It is generally resistant to deer, which can help prevent damage to the plant and garden.
    • Seasonal Interest: Provides beautiful foliage and flowers in spring and summer, and seed heads add interest in autumn.
    • Erosion Control: Its root system can help stabilize soil in sloped gardens or areas prone to erosion.
    • Ground Cover: The dwarf habit makes it an excellent ground cover, filling in spaces and suppressing weeds.
    • Color Variety: Adds a pop of color to the garden with its plume-like flowers ranging in colors from light pink to lavender.
    • Border Planting: Its compact size and ornamental value make it well-suited for borders and edges in garden designs.

  • medicalMedical Properties

    This plant is not used for medical purposes.

  • windAir-purifying Qualities

    This plant is not specifically known for air purifying qualities.

  • leavesOther Uses

    • Astilbe can be used as a natural fabric dye, providing a range of subtle colors depending on the mordant used.
    • These flowers can be pressed and included in botanical art pieces or used to decorate homemade paper.
    • Dried Astilbe flowers can be used in potpourri mixes for a natural and visually appealing element.
    • Astilbe's feathery plumes are included in floral arrangements to add texture and volume even when dried.
    • Gardeners use Astilbe as a living mulch to maintain soil moisture and suppress weed growth due to its dense foliage.
    • Because of their tolerance for shade, Astilbe can be used to create tranquil green spaces in dimly lit garden areas.
    • Clippings from pruning Astilbe can be used to propagate new plants, promoting sustainability in gardening.
    • When creating habitats for wildlife gardens, Astilbe supports biodiversity by providing shelter for insects.
    • In landscape design, Astilbe can be used to stabilize soil on slopes and prevent erosion thanks to its robust root system.
    • During fall, as the foliage turns bronze and reddish hues, it can provide a natural decorative element for garden-themed craft projects.

Interesting Facts

  • bedFeng Shui

    The Astilbe is not used in Feng Shui practice.

  • aquariusZodiac Sign Compitability

    The Astilbe is not used in astrology practice.

  • spiralPlant Symbolism

    • Patient Love: Astilbe, commonly known as False Goat's Beard or False Spirea, blooms later in the season compared to other flowers, symbolizing a love that is willing to wait and endure through time.
    • Devotion and Dedication: The lush, feathery plumes of the false spirea are often interpreted as a manifestation of dedication and a devoted, caring heart.
    • I'll Still Be Waiting: The name "Astilbe" has a phonetic resemblance to the phrase "I'll still be," hinting at a steadfast nature and unwavering presence, much like a loyal companion.
    • Protection: The dense foliage and clustered blooms can represent a protective overture, offering cover and safety, much like the protective role in a relationship.

Every 3-4 days
500 - 2500 Lux
Every 2-3 years
Spring to Summer
As needed
  • water dropWater

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade' prefers consistently moist soil, so water regularly to maintain moisture without causing waterlogging. During dry periods or in the heat of summer, this may mean watering once or twice a week, ensuring you provide enough to soak the soil deeply with about 1 inch of water each time. In cooler or wetter conditions, reduce the frequency to avoid overwatering. Use a watering can or hose to water directly at the base of the plant, avoiding wetting the foliage to prevent fungal diseases. Over a month, you might use approximately 4 to 8 gallons of water depending on the weather conditions and soil type.

  • sunLight

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade' thrives best in partial shade to full shade where it can be protected from the harsh afternoon sun. The ideal spot for planting is one that receives dappled sunlight or light shade throughout the day. This lighting condition will allow the plant to produce its vibrant blooms without the stress of direct, intense sunlight that can scorch its delicate leaves.

  • thermometerTemperature

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade' prefers a temperate climate and does well in temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It can handle a minimum temperature down to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit without damage. For the healthiest growth, aim to keep it within its ideal temperature range and protect it from extreme heat by providing shade or mulch to cool the ground.

  • scissorsPruning

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe 'Serenade' should be pruned to remove spent flower stems and encourage a tidy growth habit. Pruning is typically done after flowering, usually late summer or fall. Deadheading the faded blooms can sometimes stimulate a second, albeit less showy, flush of flowers. Additionally, cutting back the foliage in late autumn or early winter, once it has died back, prepares the plant for the next growing season.

  • broomCleaning

    As needed

  • bambooSoil

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe (Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila') thrives in fertile, moisture-retentive soil with good drainage. An ideal soil mix includes equal parts of garden soil, compost, and peat or leaf mold, maintaining a slightly acidic to neutral pH of 6.0 to 7.0.

  • plantRepotting

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe should be repotted every 2 to 3 years to refresh the soil and accommodate growing roots, usually done in the spring before new growth begins.

  • water dropsHumidity & Misting

    Dwarf Chinese Astilbe prefers high humidity levels and will benefit from being in an environment that mimics its natural moist habitat, such as near water features or in areas with naturally higher atmospheric moisture.

  • pinSuitable locations

    • Indoor

      Keep in bright, indirect light; ensure moist soil.

    • Outdoor

      Plant in partial shade; moist, fertile soil is best.

    • Hardiness zone

      4-8 USDA.

  • circleLife cycle

    Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade', commonly known as Dwarf Chinese Astilbe, begins its cycle as a dormant rhizome or seed sown into fertile, moist soil in spring. Upon germination or return from dormancy, the plant develops feathered foliage and a compact growth habit, thriving in partial to full shade. During mid to late summer, ‘Serenade’ produces plume-like, mauve-pink flowers that attract pollinators and provide garden interest. After flowering, the plant sets seed, which may be dispersed or collected for propagation. As the growing season ends, foliage dies back with the plant entering a dormancy phase over winter, conserving energy within the rhizome. With the return of favorable conditions in the subsequent spring, the cycle resumes as new shoots emerge from the rhizome, beginning the growth cycle anew.

  • sproutPropogation

    • Propogation time

      Spring to Summer

    • The most popular method of propagating Astilbe chinensis var. pumila 'Serenade', commonly known as Dwarf Chinese Astilbe, is through division. This process is ideally done in the spring or fall when the plant is not in active bloom. The plant should be carefully lifted from the ground with a shovel, taking care not to damage the roots. Once out of the soil, the clump of Astilbe can be gently divided into smaller sections by either pulling apart with hands or cutting with a knife. Each section should have a portion of the crown with attached roots. The divisions can then be replanted in the garden at the same depth they were growing previously, making sure to water well to establish the new plants. This method allows the gardener to create new plants that are genetically identical to the parent and helps rejuvenate older clumps that may have become woody or less vigorous.