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Don't give up on your frozen plants: Tips for recovery
Don't give up on your frozen plants: Tips for recovery
Spring. It is a time of awakening in nature, as the sun grows warmer with each passing day. And who would expect cold days or nights? However, the reality is that frost can return unexpectedly at any time, wreaking havoc on the plants in your ga
The hidden messages behind yellow and brown leaves
The hidden messages behind yellow and brown leaves
Yellow or brown tips on a plant - does this picture look familiar to you? Most likely, yes. Yellow and brown leaves are one of the most common problems that gardeners face. However, there are so many reasons for this issue that it is almost impossibl
The key principles of an easy-care lawn
The key principles of an easy-care lawn
If you're new to sowing, growing, and caring for lawns, there's a high chance you'll make a lot of mistakes. It's easy to make them, but fixing them can take a lot of time and effort. To avoid them, read this article to learn how to c
7 essentials for growing stunning plants
7 essentials for growing stunning plants
Plants are wonderful. They enliven and complete our spaces while also purifying the air. However, in order for your plants to stay healthy and continue to thrive long after you bring them home, it's important to take good care of them. In th
Greens you're guaranteed to grow indoors and outdoors
Greens you're guaranteed to grow indoors and outdoors
Basil, rosemary, mint and more are herbs that are popular choices for both garden and windowsill growing. But do you know how to grow them properly?Gardeners often give less attention to growing herbs than to other plants, and there's a reason fo
Top 5 kid-friendly plants for fruity fun at home
Top 5 kid-friendly plants for fruity fun at home
Growing plants from seeds can be an exhilarating experience. Watching them sprout and develop into mature plants is truly gratifying. And for sure, when eating some kind of fruit, you thought: if I plant a seed in the ground, will I be able to grow a
To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question
To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question
As forward-thinking gardeners, it's common to ponder the question: to mulch or not to mulch? And if so, what materials should I use? It's important to take into account both the benefits and drawbacks of this technique in order to safeguard y
From trash to treasure. Composting for beginners
From trash to treasure. Composting for beginners
Every plant grows better in fertilized soil. Compost is one of the most available and widely used fertilizers for gardens and vegetable patches, and its popularity as a fertilization method is on the rise with every passing season. Many who have trie
Building raised beds? Here's what you need to know first
Building raised beds? Here's what you need to know first
Raised beds are increasingly gaining popularity every year and have become a trend in organic farming. And there is nothing surprising about that. Not only do they enhance the visual appeal of your garden, but they also require minimal maintenance, m
Urban farming: Grow your own food on your windowsill
Urban farming: Grow your own food on your windowsill
Did you know that you don't need a plot of land to grow your own edible plants? With just a little bit of desire and patience, you can grow your own vegetables on your windowsill! In this article, you'll learn how to get a harvest withou
From seed to plate. Tomato grower's guide from A to Z
From seed to plate. Tomato grower's guide from A to Z
The tomato is a perennial evergreen tropical plant native to South and Central America. They are one of the most popular crops cultivated globally, and it's not hard to understand why! Tomatoes are a versatile crop that is extensively used in coo
Microgreens: Great benefits in small sprouts
Microgreens: Great benefits in small sprouts
Isn't it wonderful to enjoy the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables grown by our own hands? Sadly, from fall to early spring, we don't have the chance to do so. Or do we? Luckily, there is a very simple solution to fulfill this desire and it
Don't let your plants go wild. The importance of pruning
Don't let your plants go wild. The importance of pruning
Even the healthiest plants need regular pruning. This procedure not only helps maintain their attractive appearance, but also promotes a bountiful harvest. However, if done improperly, pruning can damage your garden irreparably. That's why i
Eco-friendly farming: The basic principles of organic agriculture
Eco-friendly farming: The basic principles of organic agriculture
Organic agriculture has recently been attracting more and more attention. There are several reasons for this. The most important of them is probably to improve the environmental situation on the planet, because the essence of organic agriculture is n
Ready, set, grow! Plants to be sown in late February and early March
Ready, set, grow! Plants to be sown in late February and early March
In late February and early March, most gardeners and vegetable growers have already purchased seeds and are wondering which plants to sow and when. However, it is important to note that each plant (and even each variety of a particular plant) has dif