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The 5 most important gardening things to do in February
The 5 most important gardening things to do in February
The end of February in many regions already feels like spring, which means that the growing season is in sight. Garden enthusiasts are eager to get started with planting new plants and tending to their gardens. To help you make the most of this time,
How to encourage your Moth Orchid to bloom again
How to encourage your Moth Orchid to bloom again
Moth orchid (Phalaenopsis). Very beautiful and one of the most popular flowering plants. Seeing gorgeous orchid flowers in the store, many people are tempted to buy this plant. But after the blooms are over, not everyone waits for them to bloom again
7 plants that are toxic to cats (Pt. 1)
7 plants that are toxic to cats (Pt. 1)
If you are the lucky owner of a cat (or even cats), then this article will be very useful to you.Every cat is unique, and the same goes for plants. Just as there are playful and quieter cats, there are edible and poisonous plants.Cats, however, have
Best air purifying plants for your home (Pt. 1)
Best air purifying plants for your home (Pt. 1)
They say "My house is my castle". This is a place where we can escape the dangers of the outside world. But is the air we breathe at home truly harmless?We may not realize it, but the air we breathe within our own homes can put our health a
7 plants that are toxic to cats (Pt. 2)
7 plants that are toxic to cats (Pt. 2)
Hello to all cat owners! We saw your interest in the article “7 plants that are toxic to cats”, so we've decided to expand the list of poisonous plants for cats. Here's part two and 7 more plants to avoid (or at least keep out of
Best air purifying plants for your home (Pt. 2)
Best air purifying plants for your home (Pt. 2)
Welcome to part 2 of the article "Best air purifying plants for your home". The first part you can read here. If you opened this article, you are interested in keeping the air you breathe clean. And that's great! Clean air means great h
Christmas plants care tips
Christmas plants care tips
Christmas is right around the corner! You'll probably want to decorate your home with Christmas plants. But after buying one, the questions arises: How to properly care for them? Is it difficult? How do I make my Christmas plants thrive through a
Top 10 Christmas plants and how to keep them (Pt. 1)
Top 10 Christmas plants and how to keep them (Pt. 1)
Winter is a time when nature's colors fade and many plants go into hibernation. But imagine the joy of having beautiful, vibrant, and sometimes functional plants during the cold Christmas season indoors!In this article, you'll learn the
Top 10 Christmas plants and how to keep them (Pt. 2)
Top 10 Christmas plants and how to keep them (Pt. 2)
In the first part of this article, we looked at the first 5 plants that can brighten your home during the Christmas season. However, that was not all. Let's keep going!#6 HollyIt is a bush that is also firmly associated with Christmas. It is ever
How do I know if a plant is suffering from overwatering?
How do I know if a plant is suffering from overwatering?
Overwatering can lead to diseases and even death in many plants. It results in a lack of oxygen in the roots, causing root rot. Moreover, overly moist soil becomes a breeding ground for various diseases, fungi, and pests.To identify if you're ove
How do I know if a plant is suffering from underwatering?
How do I know if a plant is suffering from underwatering?
Even with regular watering, your plants might still suffer from insufficient moisture. That's why it's crucial to recognize the signs of underwatering and take corrective action promptly. Here are some symptoms indicating that your plants lac
How do I fertilize my plants properly?
How do I fertilize my plants properly?
Potted plants don't need fertilizer for just a few weeks after transplanting.And then, the timing of fertilizing and the dosage are selected individually, depending on the growing phase and time of year.7 rules for fertilizing:Time to apply ferti
How do I understand what elements my plant is lacking?
How do I understand what elements my plant is lacking?
Nitrogen (N): A plant's growth is stunted, with short new shoots, small leaves, and weak inflorescences. Leaves start turning yellow and lighten in color, and lower leaves lose color, become curly, and fall off.Phosphorus (P): Purple tinges appea
How do I know what elements my plant has in excess?
How do I know what elements my plant has in excess?
An excess of elements can be just as detrimental to plants as a deficiency. This often occurs due to over-fertilization when the recommended dosage and frequency are not followed. Here are the signs of excess for various elements:Nitrogen (N): Plants
Why is lighting important for plants?
Why is lighting important for plants?
Light is essential for plants as it facilitates photosynthesis in the leaves and nourishes the plant. However, the light requirements can vary among different plants, necessitating individualized care.Plants can generally be categorized into three gr